You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6 years ago
Copyright 2014 SpryMedia Ltd.
License MIT -
This feature plug-in for DataTables will highlight search terms in the
DataTable as they are entered into the main search input element, or via the
`search()` API method.
It depends upon the jQuery Highlight plug-in by Bartek Szopka:
Search highlighting in DataTables can be enabled by:
* Adding the class `searchHighlight` to the HTML table
* Setting the `searchHighlight` parameter in the DataTables initialisation to
be true
* Setting the `searchHighlight` parameter to be true in the DataTables
defaults (thus causing all tables to have this feature) - i.e.
`$.fn.dataTable.defaults.searchHighlight = true`.
For more detailed information please see:
SearchHighlight for DataTables v1.0.1
2014 SpryMedia Ltd -
6 years ago
(function(h,e,a){function f(d,c){d.unhighlight();c.rows({filter:"applied"}).data().length&&(c.columns().every(function(){this.nodes().flatten().to$().unhighlight({className:"column_highlight"});this.nodes().flatten().to$().highlight(a.trim(\s+/),{className:"column_highlight"})}),d.highlight(a.trim(\s+/)))}a(e).on("init.dt.dth",function(d,c,e){if("dt"===d.namespace){var b=new a.fn.dataTable.Api(c),g=a(b.table().body());if(a(b.table().node()).hasClass("searchHighlight")||
c.oInit.searchHighlight||a.fn.dataTable.defaults.searchHighlight)b.on("draw.dt.dth column-visibility.dt.dth column-reorder.dt.dth",function(){f(g,b)}).on("destroy",function(){"draw.dt.dth column-visibility.dt.dth column-reorder.dt.dth")}),,b)}})})(window,document,jQuery);