Latest i18n updates

Allan Jardine 4 years ago
parent cb93ce9ddd
commit 98f1f85d3d

@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
"emptyTable": "Geen data beskikbaar in tabel",
"info": "uitstalling _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ inskrywings",
"infoEmpty": "uitstalling 0 to 0 of 0 inskrywings",
"infoFiltered": "(gefiltreer uit _MAX_ totaal inskrywings)",
"infoThousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "uitstal _MENU_ inskrywings",
"loadingRecords": "laai...",
"processing": "verwerking...",
"search": "soektog:",
"zeroRecords": "Geen treffers gevind",
"paginate": {
"first": "eerste",
"last": "laaste",
@ -16,7 +10,39 @@
"previous": "vorige"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": aktiveer kolom stygende te sorteer",
"sortDescending": ": aktiveer kolom orde te sorteer"
"sortAscending": ": aktiveer kolom om stygend te sorteer",
"sortDescending": ": aktiveer kolom om dalend te sorteer"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "kanseleer"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Versameling",
"colvis": "Kolom sigbaarheid",
"colvisRestore": "Herstel sigbaarheid",
"copy": "Kopieer",
"copyTitle": "Kopieer na knipbord",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Druk"
"emptyTable": "Geen data beskikbaar nie",
"info": "Wys _START_ tot _END_ uit _TOTAL_ inskrywings",
"infoEmpty": "Wys 0 tot 0 uit 0 inskrywings",
"processing": "besig...",
"search": "soek:",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Voeg by",
"clearAll": "Alles uitvee",
"condition": "Voorwaardes",
"data": "Data"
"select": [
"thousands": "duisende",
"zeroRecords": "Geen gevind"

@ -11,5 +11,23 @@
"previous": "Предишна",
"next": "Следваща",
"last": "Последна"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": "сортирай възходящо",
"sortDescending": "сортирай низходящо"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Oткажи",
"fill": "Попълни всички клетки с <i>%d<i><\/i><\/i>"
"buttons": {
"print": "Изпринти"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Добави",
"deleteTitle": "Изтрий критериите за търсене"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Изтрий всички"

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": aktivirajte da sortirate kolonu uzlazno",
"sortDescending": ": aktivirajte da sortirate kolonu silazno"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Poništiti",
"fill": "Ispunite sve ćelije s <i>% d <\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Ispunite ćelije vodoravno",
"fillVertical": "Ispunite ćelije vertikalno"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Collection <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Vidljivost kolone",
"colvisRestore": "Vratite vidljivost",
"copy": "Kopiraj",
"copyKeys": "Pritisnite ctrl ili u2318 + C da biste kopirali podatke tabele u sistemski međuspremnik. <br \/> <br \/> Za otkazivanje kliknite ovu poruku ili pritisnite Escape.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Kopiran je 1 red u međuspremnik",
"_": "Kopirani su %d redova u međuspremnik"
"copyTitle": "Kopirajte u međuspremnik",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Prikaži sve redove",
"1": "Prikaži 1 red",
"_": "Prikaži %d redova"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Štampaj"
"emptyTable": "Nema podataka u tabeli",
"info": "Prikaz _START_ do _END_ od ukupno _TOTAL_ zapisa",
"infoEmpty": "Prikaz 0 do 0 od ukupno 0 zapisa",
"infoFiltered": "(filtrirano od ukupno _MAX_ zapisa)",
"infoThousands": ".",
"lengthMenu": "Prikaži _MENU_ zapisa",
"loadingRecords": "Učitavanje...",
"paginate": {
"first": "Početna",
"last": "Poslednja",
"next": "Sledeća",
"previous": "Prethodna"
"processing": "Obrada...",
"search": "Pretraga:",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Dodaj uslov",
"clearAll": "Obriši sve"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Obriši sve",
"collapse": {
"0": "Paneli za Pretragu",
"_": "Paneli za Pretragu (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Nema panela za pretragu",
"loadMessage": "Učitavanje panela za pretragu",
"title": "Aktivni filteri - %d"
"select": {
"_": "Broj odabranih redova: %d ",
"cells": {
"1": "Odabran je 1 red",
"_": "Broj odabranih redova: %d"
"columns": {
"1": "Jedna colona odabrana",
"_": "Broj odabranih kolona: %d"
"zeroRecords": "Nisu pronađeni odgovarajući zapisi"

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_ Einträge anzeigen",
"loadingRecords": "Wird geladen ..",
"processing": "Bitte warten ..",
"search": "Suchen",
"zeroRecords": "Keine Einträge vorhanden",
"paginate": {
"first": "Erste",
"previous": "Zurück",
@ -23,21 +21,125 @@
"rows": {
"_": "%d Zeilen ausgewählt",
"1": "1 Zeile ausgewählt"
"1": "1 Eintrag ausgewählt",
"2": "2 Einträge ausgewählt",
"_": "%d Einträge ausgewählt",
"cells": {
"1": "1 Zelle ausgewählt",
"_": "%d Zellen ausgewählt"
"columns": {
"1": "1 Spalte ausgewählt",
"_": "%d Spalten ausgewählt"
"buttons": {
"print": "Drucken",
"colvis": "Spalten",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"copyTitle": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"copyKeys": "Taste <i>ctrl<\/i> oder <i>⌘<\/i> + <i>C<\/i> um Tabelle<br>in Zwischenspeicher zu kopieren.<br><br>Um abzubrechen die Nachricht anklicken oder Escape drücken.",
"copySuccess": {
"_": "%d Zeilen kopiert",
"1": "1 Zeile kopiert"
"collection": "Aktionen <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Spaltensichtbarkeit",
"colvisRestore": "Sichtbarkeit wiederherstellen",
"copyKeys": "Drücken Sie die Taste <i>ctrl<\/i> oder <i>⌘<\/i> + <i>C<\/i> um die Tabelle<br \/>in den Zwischenspeicher zu kopieren.<br \/><br \/>Um den Vorgang abzubrechen, klicken Sie die Nachricht an oder drücken Sie auf Escape.",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Zeige alle Zeilen",
"_": "Zeige %d Zeilen"
"-1": "Alle Zeilen anzeigen",
"1": "Eine Zeile anzeigen",
"_": "%d Zeilen anzeigen"
"pdf": "PDF"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"fill": "Alle Zellen mit <i>%d<i> füllen<\/i><\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Alle horizontalen Zellen füllen",
"fillVertical": "Alle vertikalen Zellen füllen",
"info": "Bitte wählen Sie die gewünschte Aktion aus:"
"decimal": ",",
"search": "Suche:",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Bedingung hinzufügen",
"button": {
"0": "Such-Baukasten",
"_": "Such-Baukasten (%d)"
"clearAll": "Leeren",
"condition": "Bedingung",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Nach",
"before": "Vor",
"between": "Zwischen",
"empty": "Leer",
"equals": "Entspricht",
"not": "Nicht",
"notBetween": "Nicht zwischen",
"notEmpty": "Nicht leer"
"moment": {
"after": "Nach",
"before": "Vor",
"between": "Zwischen",
"empty": "Leer",
"equals": "Entspricht",
"not": "Nicht",
"notBetween": "Nicht zwischen",
"notEmpty": "Nicht leer"
"number": {
"between": "Zwischen",
"empty": "Leer",
"equals": "Entspricht",
"gt": "Größer als",
"gte": "Größer als oder gleich",
"lt": "Kleiner als",
"lte": "Kleiner als oder gleich",
"not": "Nicht",
"notBetween": "Nicht zwischen",
"notEmpty": "Nicht leer"
"string": {
"contains": "Beinhaltet",
"empty": "Leer",
"endsWith": "Endet mit",
"equals": "Entspricht",
"not": "Nicht",
"notEmpty": "Nicht leer",
"startsWith": "Startet mit"
"data": "Daten",
"deleteTitle": "Filterregel entfernen",
"leftTitle": "Äußere Kriterien",
"logicAnd": "UND",
"logicOr": "ODER",
"rightTitle": "Innere Kriterien",
"title": {
"0": "Such-Baukasten",
"_": "Such-Baukasten (%d)"
"value": "Wert"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Leeren",
"collapse": {
"0": "Suchmasken",
"_": "Suchmasken (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Keine Suchmasken",
"loadMessage": "Lade Suchmasken..",
"title": "Aktive Filter: %d"
"searchPlaceholder": "Suchbegriff eingeben",
"thousands": ".",
"zeroRecords": "Keine passenden Einträge gefunden"

@ -96,6 +96,14 @@
"not": "Not",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"startsWith": "Starts With"
"array": {
"without": "Without",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"not": "Not",
"contains": "Contains",
"empty": "Empty",
"equals": "Equals"
"data": "Data",

@ -21,6 +21,118 @@
"buttons": {
"copy": "Copiar",
"colvis": "Visibilidad"
"colvis": "Visibilidad",
"collection": "Colección",
"colvisRestore": "Restaurar visibilidad",
"copyKeys": "Presione ctrl o u2318 + C para copiar los datos de la tabla al portapapeles del sistema. <br \/> <br \/> Para cancelar, haga clic en este mensaje o presione escape.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Copiada 1 fila al portapapeles",
"_": "Copiadas %d fila al portapapeles"
"copyTitle": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Mostrar todas las filas",
"1": "Mostrar 1 fila",
"_": "Mostrar %d filas"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"fill": "Rellene todas las celdas con <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Rellenar celdas horizontalmente",
"fillVertical": "Rellenar celdas verticalmentemente"
"decimal": ",",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Añadir condición",
"button": {
"0": "Constructor de búsqueda",
"_": "Constructor de búsqueda (%d)"
"clearAll": "Borrar todo",
"condition": "Condición",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Despues",
"before": "Antes",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vacío",
"equals": "Igual a",
"not": "No",
"notBetween": "No entre",
"notEmpty": "No Vacio"
"moment": {
"after": "Despues",
"before": "Antes",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vacío",
"equals": "Igual a",
"not": "No",
"notBetween": "No entre",
"notEmpty": "No vacio"
"number": {
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vacio",
"equals": "Igual a",
"gt": "Mayor a",
"gte": "Mayor o igual a",
"lt": "Menor que",
"lte": "Menor o igual que",
"not": "No",
"notBetween": "No entre",
"notEmpty": "No vacío"
"string": {
"contains": "Contiene",
"empty": "Vacío",
"endsWith": "Termina en",
"equals": "Igual a",
"not": "No",
"notEmpty": "No Vacio",
"startsWith": "Empieza con"
"data": "Data",
"deleteTitle": "Eliminar regla de filtrado",
"leftTitle": "Criterios anulados",
"logicAnd": "Y",
"logicOr": "O",
"rightTitle": "Criterios de sangría",
"title": {
"0": "Constructor de búsqueda",
"_": "Constructor de búsqueda (%d)"
"value": "Valor"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Borrar todo",
"collapse": {
"0": "Paneles de búsqueda",
"_": "Paneles de búsqueda (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Sin paneles de búsqueda",
"loadMessage": "Cargando paneles de búsqueda",
"title": "Filtros Activos - %d"
"select": {
"1": "%d fila seleccionada",
"_": "%d filas seleccionadas",
"cells": {
"1": "1 celda seleccionada",
"_": "$d celdas seleccionadas"
"columns": {
"1": "1 columna seleccionada",
"_": "%d columnas seleccionadas"
"thousands": "."

@ -2,21 +2,138 @@
"processing": "Prozesatzen...",
"lengthMenu": "Erakutsi _MENU_ erregistro",
"zeroRecords": "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu",
"emptyTable": "Taula hontan ez dago inongo datu erabilgarririk",
"info": "_START_ -etik _END_ -erako erregistroak erakusten, guztira _TOTAL_ erregistro",
"infoEmpty": "0tik 0rako erregistroak erakusten, guztira 0 erregistro",
"infoFiltered": "(guztira _MAX_ erregistro iragazten)",
"search": "Aurkitu:",
"infoThousands": ",",
"loadingRecords": "Abiarazten...",
"paginate": {
"first": "Lehena",
"last": "Azkena",
"next": "Hurrengoa",
"previous": "Aurrekoa"
"previous": "Aurrekoa",
"first": "Lehenengoa"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": Zutabea goranzko eran ordenatzeko aktibatu ",
"sortDescending": ": Zutabea beheranzko eran ordenatzeko aktibatu"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Utzi",
"fill": "Bete gelaxkak balio honekin <i>%d<i><\/i><\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Bete gelaxkak horizontalki",
"fillVertical": "Bete gelaxkak bertikalki"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Bilduma <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Zutabeen ikusgaitasuna",
"colvisRestore": "Berrezarri ikusgaitasuna",
"copy": "Kopiatu",
"copyKeys": "Sakatu ctrl edo u2313 + C taularen datuak zure sistemaren arbelera kopiatuzeko. Sakatu mezu hau edo escape bertan behera uztekao, sa",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Lerro bat arbelera kopiatu da",
"_": "%ds lerro arbelera kopiatu dira"
"copyTitle": "Kopiatu arbelera",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Erakutsi lerro guztiak",
"1": "Erakutsi lerro bat",
"_": "Erakutsi %d lerro"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Inprimatu"
"decimal": ",",
"emptyTable": "Taula honetan ez dago datu erabilgarririk",
"info": "_TOTAL_ erregistrotik _START_ - _END_ ikusgai",
"infoEmpty": "Ez dago elementurik",
"infoFiltered": "(guztira _MAX_ erregistrotik iragazita)",
"infoThousands": ".",
"search": "Bilatu:",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Gehitu baldintza",
"button": {
"0": "Bilaketa eraikitzailea",
"_": "Bilaketa eraikitzailea (%d)"
"clearAll": "Garbitu",
"condition": "Baldintza",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Ondoren",
"before": "Aurretik",
"between": "Tartean",
"empty": "Hutsik",
"equals": "berdina da",
"not": "ez da ",
"notBetween": "ez dago tartean",
"notEmpty": "ez dago hutsik"
"moment": {
"after": "Ondoren",
"before": "Aurretik",
"between": "Tartean",
"empty": "Hutsik",
"equals": "berdina da",
"not": "ez da",
"notBetween": "ez dago tartean",
"notEmpty": "ez dago hutsik"
"number": {
"between": "Tartean",
"empty": "Hutsik",
"equals": "berdina da",
"gt": "handiagoa",
"gte": "handiagoa edo berdina",
"lt": "txikiagoa",
"lte": "txikiagoa edo berdina",
"not": "ez da",
"notBetween": "ez dago tartean",
"notEmpty": "ez dago hutsik"
"string": {
"contains": "Hau dauka",
"empty": "Hutsik",
"endsWith": "Honekin emaitzen da",
"equals": "berdina da",
"not": "ez da",
"notEmpty": "ez dago hutsik",
"startsWith": "Honekin hasten da"
"data": "Datua",
"deleteTitle": "Ezabatu iragazkiaren erregela",
"leftTitle": "Irizpideari koska kendu",
"logicAnd": "eta",
"logicOr": "edo",
"rightTitle": "Irizpideari koska handitu",
"title": {
"0": "Bilaketa eraikitzailea",
"_": "Bilaketa eraikitzailea (%d)"
"value": "Balioa"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Garbitu",
"collapse": {
"0": "Bilaketa panelak",
"_": "Bilaketa panelak (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Ez dago bilaketa panelik",
"loadMessage": "Bilaketa panelak kargatzen...",
"title": "Aktibo dauden filtroak - %d"
"searchPlaceholder": "Idatzi hemen bilatu nahi duzun testua",
"select": {
"1": "Lerro %d aukeratuta",
"_": "%d lerro aukeratuta",
"cells": {
"1": "Gelaxka 1 aukeratuta",
"_": "%d gelaxka aukeratuta"
"columns": {
"1": "Zutabe 1 aukeratuta",
"_": "%d zutabe aukeratuta"
"thousands": "."

@ -18,5 +18,133 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": فعال سازی نمایش به صورت صعودی",
"sortDescending": ": فعال سازی نمایش به صورت نزولی"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "انصراف",
"fill": "پر کردن همه سلول ها با ساختار سیستم",
"fillHorizontal": "پر کردن سلول های افقی",
"fillVertical": "پرکردن سلول های عمودی",
"info": "نمونه اطلاعات پرکردن خودکار"
"buttons": {
"collection": "مجموعه",
"colvis": "قابلیت نمایش ستون",
"colvisRestore": "بازنشانی قابلیت نمایش",
"copy": "کپی",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "یک ردیف داخل حافظه کپی شد",
"_": "%ds ردیف داخل حافظه کپی شد"
"copyTitle": "کپی در حافظه",
"excel": "اکسل",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "نمایش همه ردیف‌ها",
"1": "نمایش 1 ردیف",
"_": "نمایش %d ردیف"
"print": "چاپ",
"copyKeys": "برای کپی داده جدول در حافظه سیستم کلید های ctrl یا ⌘ + C را فشار دهید",
"csv": "فایل CSV",
"pdf": "فایل PDF"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "افزودن شرط",
"button": {
"0": "جستجو ساز",
"_": "جستجوساز (%d)"
"clearAll": "خالی کردن همه",
"condition": "شرط",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "بعد از",
"before": "بعد از",
"between": "میان",
"empty": "خالی",
"equals": "برابر",
"not": "نباشد",
"notBetween": "میان نباشد",
"notEmpty": "خالی نباشد"
"moment": {
"after": "بعد از",
"before": "قبل از",
"between": "میان",
"empty": "خالی",
"equals": "برابر",
"not": "نباشد",
"notBetween": "میان نباشد",
"notEmpty": "خالی نباشد"
"number": {
"between": "میان",
"empty": "خالی",
"equals": "برابر",
"gt": "بزرگتر از",
"gte": "برابر یا بزرگتر از",
"lt": "کمتر از",
"lte": "برابر یا کمتر از",
"not": "نباشد",
"notBetween": "میان نباشد",
"notEmpty": "خالی نباشد"
"string": {
"contains": "حاوی",
"empty": "خالی",
"endsWith": "به پایان می رسد با",
"equals": "برابر",
"not": "نباشد",
"notEmpty": "خالی نباشد",
"startsWith": "شروع شود با"
"array": {
"equals": "برابر",
"empty": "خالی",
"contains": "حاوی",
"not": "نباشد",
"notEmpty": "خالی نباشد",
"without": "بدون"
"data": "اطلاعات",
"deleteTitle": "حذف عنوان",
"logicAnd": "و",
"logicOr": "یا",
"title": {
"0": "جستجو ساز",
"_": "جستجوساز (%d)"
"value": "مقدار"
"select": {
"1": "%d ردیف انتخاب شد",
"_": "%d ردیف انتخاب شد",
"cells": {
"1": "1 سلول انتخاب شد",
"_": "%d سلول انتخاب شد"
"columns": {
"1": "یک ستون انتخاب شد",
"_": "%d ستون انتخاب شد"
"rows": {
"0": "%d ردیف انتخاب شد",
"1": "1ردیف انتخاب شد",
"_": "%d انتخاب شد"
"thousands": ",",
"decimal": "اعشاری",
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "همه را پاک کن",
"collapse": {
"0": "صفحه جستجو",
"_": "صفحه جستجو (٪ d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "صفحه جستجو وجود ندارد",
"loadMessage": "در حال بارگیری صفحات جستجو ...",
"title": "فیلترهای فعال - %d"

@ -24,6 +24,79 @@
"_": "%d lignes sélectionnées",
"0": "Aucune ligne sélectionnée",
"1": "1 ligne sélectionnée"
"_": "%d lignes selectionées"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Annuler",
"fill": "Remplir toutes les cellules avec <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Remplir les cellules horizontalement",
"fillVertical": "Remplir les cellules verticalement",
"info": "Exemple de remplissage automatique"
"searchBuilder": {
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Après le",
"before": "Avant le",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vide",
"equals": "Egal à",
"not": "Différent de",
"notBetween": "Pas entre",
"notEmpty": "Non vide"
"moment": {
"after": "Après le",
"before": "Avant le",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vide",
"equals": "Egal à",
"not": "Différent de",
"notBetween": "Pas entre",
"notEmpty": "Non vide"
"number": {
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vide",
"equals": "Egal à",
"gt": "Supérieur à",
"gte": "Supérieur ou égal à",
"lt": "Inférieur à",
"lte": "Inférieur ou égal à",
"not": "Différent de",
"notBetween": "Pas entre",
"notEmpty": "Non vide"
"string": {
"contains": "Contient",
"empty": "Vide",
"endsWith": "Se termine par",
"equals": "Egal à",
"not": "Différent de",
"notEmpty": "Non vide",
"startsWith": "Commence par"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Effacer tout",
"count": "{total}",
"emptyPanes": "Pas de recherche",
"loadMessage": "Chargement de la recherche",
"title": "Filtres actifs - %d"
"searchPlaceholder": "Exemple de recherche",
"buttons": {
"copy": "copier",
"copyKeys": "Appuyer sur ctrl ou u2318 + C pour copier les données du tableau dans votre presse-papier.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "une ligne copiée dans le presse-papier"
"copyTitle": "copier dans le presse-papier",
"csv": "csv",
"excel": "excel",
"pdf": "pdf",
"print": "imprimer"

@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
"rows": {
"_": "%d sor kiválasztva",
"1": "1 sor kiválasztva"
"1": "%d sor kiválasztva",
"_": "%d sor kiválasztva",
"cells": {
"1": "1 cella kiválasztva",
"_": "%d cella kiválasztva"
"columns": {
"1": "1 oszlop kiválasztva",
"_": "%d oszlop kiválasztva"
"buttons": {
@ -33,6 +43,97 @@
"copySuccess": {
"_": "%d sor másolva",
"1": "1 sor másolva"
"collection": "Gyűjtemény",
"colvisRestore": "Oszlopok visszaállítása",
"copyKeys": "Nyomja meg a CTRL vagy u2318 + C gombokat a táblázat adatainak a vágólapra másolásához.<br \/><br \/>A megszakításhoz kattintson az üzenetre vagy nyomja meg az ESC billentyűt.",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Összes sor megjelenítése",
"1": "1 sor megjelenítése",
"_": "%d sor megjelenítése"
"pdf": "PDF"
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"cancel": "Megszakítás",
"fill": "Összes cella kitöltése a következővel: <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Cellák vízszintes kitöltése",
"fillVertical": "Cellák függőleges kitöltése"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Feltétel hozzáadása",
"button": {
"0": "Keresés konfigurátor",
"_": "Keresés konfigurátor (%d)"
"clearAll": "Összes feltétel törlése",
"condition": "Feltétel",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Után",
"before": "Előtt",
"between": "Között",
"empty": "Üres",
"equals": "Egyenlő",
"not": "Nem",
"notBetween": "Kívül eső",
"notEmpty": "Nem üres"
"moment": {
"after": "Után",
"before": "Előtt",
"between": "Között",
"empty": "Üres",
"equals": "Egyenlő",
"not": "Nem",
"notBetween": "Kívül eső",
"notEmpty": "Nem üres"
"number": {
"between": "Között",
"empty": "Üres",
"equals": "Egyenlő",
"gt": "Nagyobb mint",
"gte": "Nagyobb vagy egyenlő mint",
"lt": "Kissebb mint",
"lte": "Kissebb vagy egyenlő mint",
"not": "Nem",
"notBetween": "Kívül eső",
"notEmpty": "Nem üres"
"string": {
"contains": "Tartalmazza",
"empty": "Üres",
"endsWith": "Végződik",
"equals": "Egyenlő",
"not": "Nem",
"notEmpty": "Nem üres",
"startsWith": "Kezdődik"
"data": "Adat",
"deleteTitle": "Feltétel törlése",
"logicAnd": "És",
"logicOr": "Vagy",
"title": {
"0": "Keresés konfigurátor",
"_": "Keresés konfigurátor (%d)"
"value": "Érték"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Szűrők törlése",
"collapse": {
"0": "Szűrőpanelek",
"_": "Szűrőpanelek (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Nincsenek szűrőpanelek",
"loadMessage": "Szűrőpanelek betöltése",
"title": "Aktív szűrőpanelek: %d"
"searchPlaceholder": "keresés"

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
"emptyTable": "Nessun dato presente nella tabella",
"info": "Vista da _START_ a _END_ di _TOTAL_ elementi",
"infoEmpty": "Vista da 0 a 0 di 0 elementi",
"infoFiltered": "(filtrati da _MAX_ elementi totali)",
"infoThousands": ".",
"lengthMenu": "Visualizza _MENU_ elementi",
"loadingRecords": "Caricamento...",
"processing": "Elaborazione...",
"search": "Cerca:",
"zeroRecords": "La ricerca non ha portato alcun risultato.",
"paginate": {
"first": "Inizio",
"previous": "Precedente",
@ -18,5 +13,134 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine crescente",
"sortDescending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine decrescente"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Annulla",
"fill": "Riempi tutte le celle con <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Riempi celle orizzontalmente",
"fillVertical": "Riempi celle verticalmente"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Collezione <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Visibilità Colonna",
"colvisRestore": "Ripristina visibilità",
"copy": "Copia",
"copyKeys": "Premi ctrl o u2318 + C per copiare i dati della tabella nella tua clipboard di sistema.<br \/><br \/>Per annullare, clicca questo messaggio o premi ESC.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Copiata 1 riga nella clipboard",
"_": "Copiate %d righe nella clipboard"
"copyTitle": "Copia nella Clipboard",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Mostra tutte le righe",
"1": "Mostra 1 riga",
"_": "Mostra %d righe"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Stampa"
"decimal": ",",
"emptyTable": "Nessun dato disponibile nella tabella",
"info": "Risultati da _START_ a _END_ di _TOTAL_ elementi",
"infoEmpty": "Risultati da 0 a 0 di 0 elementi",
"infoPostFix": "Risultati da _START_ a _END_ di _TOTAL_ elementi",
"lengthMenu": "Mostra _MENU_ elementi",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Aggiungi Condizione",
"button": {
"0": "Generatore di Ricerca",
"_": "Generatori di Ricerca (%d)"
"clearAll": "Pulisci Tutto",
"condition": "Condizione",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Dopo",
"before": "Prima",
"between": "Tra",
"empty": "Vuoto",
"equals": "Uguale A",
"not": "Non",
"notBetween": "Non Tra",
"notEmpty": "Non Vuoto"
"moment": {
"after": "Dopo",
"before": "Prima",
"between": "Tra",
"empty": "Vuoto",
"equals": "Uguale A",
"not": "Non",
"notBetween": "Non Tra",
"notEmpty": "Non Vuoto"
"number": {
"between": "Tra",
"empty": "Vuoto",
"equals": "Uguale A",
"gt": "Maggiore Di",
"gte": "Maggiore O Uguale A",
"lt": "Minore Di",
"lte": "Minore O Uguale A",
"not": "Non",
"notBetween": "Non Tra",
"notEmpty": "Non Vuoto"
"string": {
"contains": "Contiene",
"empty": "Vuoto",
"endsWith": "Finisce Con",
"equals": "Uguale A",
"not": "Non",
"notEmpty": "Non Vuoto",
"startsWith": "Inizia Con"
"array": {
"equals": "Uguale A",
"empty": "Vuoto",
"contains": "Contiene",
"not": "Non",
"notEmpty": "Non Vuoto",
"without": "Senza"
"data": "Dati",
"deleteTitle": "Elimina regola filtro",
"leftTitle": "Criterio di Riduzione Rientro",
"logicAnd": "E",
"logicOr": "O",
"rightTitle": "Criterio di Aumento Rientro",
"title": {
"0": "Generatore di Ricerca",
"_": "Generatori di Ricerca (%d)"
"value": "Valore"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Pulisci Tutto",
"collapse": {
"0": "Pannello di Ricerca",
"_": "Pannelli di Ricerca (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Nessun Pannello di Ricerca",
"loadMessage": "Caricamento Pannello di Ricerca",
"title": "Filtri Attivi - %d"
"select": {
"1": "%d riga selezionata",
"_": "%d righe selezionate",
"cells": {
"1": "1 cella selezionata",
"_": "%d celle selezionate"
"columns": {
"1": "1 colonna selezionata",
"_": "%d colonne selezionate"
"zeroRecords": "Nessun elemento corrispondente trovato"

@ -18,5 +18,51 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": 오름차순 정렬",
"sortDescending": ": 내림차순 정렬"
"buttons": {
"copyKeys": "ctrl키 나 u2318 + C키로 테이블 데이터를 시스텝 복사판에서 복사하고 취소하려면 이 메시지를 클릭하거나 ESC키를 누르면됩니다. to copy the table data to your system clipboard. To cancel, click this message or press escape.",
"copySuccess": {
"_": "%d행을 복사판에서 복사됨",
"1": "1행을 복사판에서 복사됨"
"copyTitle": "복사판에서 복사",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "엑설",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "모든 행 보기",
"1": "1행 보기",
"_": "%d행 보기"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "인쇄",
"collection": "집합 <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "컬럼 보기",
"colvisRestore": "보기 복원",
"copy": "복사"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "조건 추가",
"button": {
"0": "빌더 조회",
"_": "빌더 조회(%d)"
"clearAll": "모두 지우기",
"condition": "조건",
"data": "데이터",
"deleteTitle": "필터 규칙을 삭제",
"logicAnd": "And",
"logicOr": "Or",
"title": {
"0": "빌더 조회",
"_": "빌더 조회(%d)"
"value": "값"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "취소",
"fill": "모든 셀에서 <i>%d<i>을(를) 삽입<\/i><\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "수평 셀에서 값을 삽입",
"fillVertical": "수직 설에서 값을 삽입",
"info": "자동삽입 샘플 정보"

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
"processing": "Uzgaidiet ...",
"search": "Meklēt:",
"lengthMenu": "Rādīt _MENU_ ierakstus",
"info": "Parādīti _START_ līdz _END_ no _TOTAL_ ierakstiem",
"infoEmpty": "Nav ierakstu",
"infoFiltered": "(atlasīts no pavisam _MAX_ ierakstiem)",
"loadingRecords": "Notiek ielāde ...",
@ -17,5 +16,28 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": aktivizēt kolonnu, lai kārtotu augoši",
"sortDescending": ": aktivizēt kolonnu, lai kārtotu dilstoši"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Atcelt"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Saraksts",
"colvis": "Pievienot - noņemt kolonnas",
"copy": "Kopēt",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Printēt"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Pievienot",
"clearAll": "Attīrīt visu"
"select": {
"rows": {
"1": "atlasīts %d ieraksts",
"_": "atlasīti %d ieraksti"
"info": "Atlasīti _START_ līdz _END_ no _TOTAL_ ierakstiem"

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
"processing": "Bezig...",
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_ resultaten weergeven",
"zeroRecords": "Geen resultaten gevonden",
"info": "_START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ resultaten",
"infoEmpty": "Geen resultaten om weer te geven",
"infoFiltered": " (gefilterd uit _MAX_ resultaten)",
"search": "Zoeken:",
"emptyTable": "Geen resultaten aanwezig in de tabel",
"infoThousands": ".",
@ -18,5 +15,128 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": activeer om kolom oplopend te sorteren",
"sortDescending": ": activeer om kolom aflopend te sorteren"
"autoFill": {
"fill": "Vul alle cellen met <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Vul cellen horizontaal",
"fillVertical": "Vul cellen verticaal",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"info": "Informatie"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Collectie",
"colvis": "Kolom zichtbaarheid",
"colvisRestore": "Herstel zichtbaarheid",
"copy": "Kopieer",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "1 regel naar klembord gekopieerd",
"_": "%ds regels naar klembord gekopieerd"
"copyTitle": "Kopieer naar klembord",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Toon alle regels",
"_": "Toon %d regels",
"1": "Toon 1 regel"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Print",
"copyKeys": "Klik ctrl of u2318 + C om de tabeldata to kopiëren naar je klembord. Om te annuleren klik hier of klik op escape."
"info": "_START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ regels",
"infoFiltered": " (gefilterd uit _MAX_ regels)",
"processing": "Verwerken...",
"decimal": ",",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Toevoegen",
"clearAll": "Verwijder alles",
"condition": "Conditie",
"data": "Data",
"deleteTitle": "Verwijder",
"value": "Waarde",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Na",
"before": "Voor",
"between": "Tussen",
"empty": "Leeg",
"equals": "Gelijk aan",
"not": "Niet",
"notBetween": "Niet tussen",
"notEmpty": "Niet leeg"
"moment": {
"after": "Na",
"before": "Voor",
"between": "Tussen",
"empty": "Leeg",
"equals": "Gelijk aan",
"not": "Niet",
"notBetween": "Niet tussen",
"notEmpty": "Niet leeg"
"number": {
"between": "Tussen",
"empty": "Leeg",
"equals": "Gelijk aan",
"gt": "Groter dan",
"gte": "Groter dan of gelijk aan",
"lt": "Kleiner dan",
"lte": "kleiner dan of gelijk aan",
"not": "Niet",
"notBetween": "Niet tussen",
"notEmpty": "Niet leeg"
"string": {
"contains": "Bevat",
"empty": "Leeg",
"endsWith": "Eindigt met",
"equals": "Gelijk aan",
"not": "Niet",
"notEmpty": "Niet leeg",
"startsWith": "Start met"
"array": {
"equals": "Gelijk aan",
"empty": "Leeg",
"contains": "Bevat",
"not": "Niet",
"notEmpty": "Niet leeg",
"without": "Zonder"
"logicAnd": "En",
"logicOr": "Of"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Alles leegmaken",
"collapse": {
"0": "Zoekpanelen",
"_": "Zoekpanelen (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Geen zoekpanelen",
"loadMessage": "Zoekpanelen laden...",
"title": "%d filters actief"
"select": {
"1": "%d rij geselecteerd",
"_": "%d rijen geselecteerd",
"cells": {
"1": "1 cel geselecteerd",
"_": "%d cellen geselecteerd"
"columns": {
"1": "1 kolom geselecteerd",
"_": "%d kolommen geselecteerd"
"rows": {
"0": "%d rijen geselecteerd",
"1": "1 rij geselecteerd",
"_": "%d rijen geselecteerd"
"thousands": "."

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
"infoFiltered": "(filtrowanie spośród _MAX_ dostępnych pozycji)",
"loadingRecords": "Wczytywanie...",
"zeroRecords": "Nie znaleziono pasujących pozycji",
"emptyTable": "Brak danych",
"paginate": {
"first": "Pierwsza",
"previous": "Poprzednia",
@ -17,5 +16,39 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": aktywuj, by posortować kolumnę rosnąco",
"sortDescending": ": aktywuj, by posortować kolumnę malejąco"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"fill": "Wypełnij wszystkie komórki <i>%d<\/i>",
"fillHorizontal": "Wypełnij komórki w poziomie",
"fillVertical": "Wypełnij komórki w pionie"
"buttons": {
"collection": "Zbiór <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Widoczność kolumny",
"colvisRestore": "Przywróć widoczność",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"copyKeys": "Naciśnij Ctrl lub u2318 + C, aby skopiować dane tabeli do schowka systemowego. <br \/> <br \/> Aby anulować, kliknij tę wiadomość lub naciśnij Esc.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Skopiowano 1 wiersz do schowka",
"_": "Skopiowano %d wierszy do schowka"
"copyTitle": "Skopiuj do schowka",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Pokaż wszystkie wiersze",
"1": "Pokaż 1 wiersz",
"_": "Pokaż %d wierszy"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Drukuj"
"emptyTable": "Brak danych w tabeli",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Dodaj warunek",
"clearAll": "Wyczyść wszystko",
"condition": "Warunek",
"data": "Dane"

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"infoEmpty": "Mostrando 0 até 0 de 0 registros",
"infoFiltered": "(Filtrados de _MAX_ registros)",
"infoThousands": ".",
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_ resultados por página",
"loadingRecords": "Carregando...",
"processing": "Processando...",
"zeroRecords": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
@ -24,14 +23,119 @@
"_": "Selecionado %d linhas",
"0": "Nenhuma linha selecionada",
"1": "Selecionado 1 linha"
"1": "%d linha selecionada",
"_": "%d linhas selecionadas",
"cells": {
"1": "1 célula selecionada",
"_": "%d células selecionadas"
"columns": {
"1": "1 coluna selecionada",
"_": "%d colunas selecionadas"
"buttons": {
"copy": "Copiar para a área de transferência",
"copyTitle": "Cópia bem sucedida",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Uma linha copiada com sucesso",
"_": "%d linhas copiadas com sucesso"
"collection": "Coleção <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "Visibilidade da Coluna",
"colvisRestore": "Restaurar Visibilidade",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copyKeys": "Pressione ctrl ou u2318 + C para copiar os dados da tabela para a área de transferência do sistema. Para cancelar, clique nesta mensagem ou pressione Esc..",
"copyTitle": "Copiar para a Área de Transferência",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"-1": "Mostrar todos os registros",
"1": "Mostrar 1 registro",
"_": "Mostrar %d registros"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"fill": "Preencher todas as células com",
"fillHorizontal": "Preencher células horizontalmente",
"fillVertical": "Preencher células verticalmente"
"lengthMenu": "Exibir _MENU_ resultados por página",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Adicionar Condição",
"button": {
"0": "Construtor de Pesquisa",
"_": "Construtor de Pesquisa (%d)"
"clearAll": "Limpar Tudo",
"condition": "Condição",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "Depois",
"before": "Antes",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vazio",
"equals": "Igual",
"not": "Não",
"notBetween": "Não Entre",
"notEmpty": "Não Vazio"
"moment": {
"after": "Depois",
"before": "Antes",
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vazio",
"equals": "Igual",
"not": "Não",
"notBetween": "Não Entre",
"notEmpty": "Não Vazio"
"number": {
"between": "Entre",
"empty": "Vazio",
"equals": "Igual",
"gt": "Maior Que",
"gte": "Maior ou Igual a",
"lt": "Menor Que",
"lte": "Menor ou Igual a",
"not": "Não",
"notBetween": "Não Entre",
"notEmpty": "Não Vazio"
"string": {
"contains": "Contém",
"empty": "Vazio",
"endsWith": "Termina Com",
"equals": "Igual",
"not": "Não",
"notEmpty": "Não Vazio",
"startsWith": "Começa Com"
"data": "Data",
"deleteTitle": "Excluir regra de filtragem",
"logicAnd": "E",
"logicOr": "Ou",
"title": {
"0": "Construtor de Pesquisa",
"_": "Construtor de Pesquisa (%d)"
"value": "Valor"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Limpar Tudo",
"collapse": {
"0": "Painéis de Pesquisa",
"_": "Painéis de Pesquisa (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Nenhum Painel de Pesquisa",
"loadMessage": "Carregando Painéis de Pesquisa...",
"title": "Filtros Ativos"
"searchPlaceholder": "Digite um termo para pesquisar",
"thousands": "."

@ -17,5 +17,12 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma ascendente",
"sortDescending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma descendente"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "cancelar",
"fill": "preencher",
"fillHorizontal": "preencher células na horizontal",
"fillVertical": "preencher células na vertical",
"info": "Exemplo de Auto Preenchimento"

@ -23,6 +23,120 @@
"_": "Выбрано записей: %d",
"0": "Кликните по записи для выбора",
"1": "Выбрана одна запись"
"1": "%d ряд выбран",
"_": "%d ряда(-ов) выбрано",
"cells": {
"1": "1 ячейка выбрана",
"_": "Выбрано %d ячеек"
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"1": "1 столбец выбран",
"_": "%d столбцов выбрано"
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"startsWith": "Начинается с",
"contains": "Содержит",
"empty": "Пусто",
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"equals": "Равно",
"not": "Не"
"date": {
"after": "После",
"before": "До",
"between": "Между",
"empty": "Пусто",
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"notEmpty": "Не пусто"
"moment": {
"after": "После",
"before": "До",
"between": "Между",
"empty": "Не пусто",
"equals": "Между",
"not": "Не",
"notBetween": "Не между",
"notEmpty": "Не пусто"
"number": {
"between": "В промежутке от",
"empty": "Пусто",
"equals": "Равно",
"gt": "Больше чем",
"gte": "Больше, чем равно",
"lt": "Меньше чем",
"lte": "Меньше, чем равно",
"not": "Не",
"notBetween": "Не в промежутке от",
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"0": "Конструктор поиска",
"_": "Конструктор поиска (%d)"
"value": "Значение",
"add": "Добавить условие",
"button": {
"0": "Конструктор поиска",
"_": "Конструктор поиска (%d)"
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"_": "Панели поиска (%d)"
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"emptyPanes": "Нет панелей поиска",
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"copySuccess": {
"1": "Скопирована 1 ряд в буфер обмена",
"_": "Скопировано %ds рядов в буфер обмена"
"copyTitle": "Скопировать в буфер обмена",
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"cancel": "Отменить",
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"fillHorizontal": "Заполнить ячейки по горизонтали",
"fillVertical": "Заполнить ячейки по вертикали",
"info": "Пример автозаполнения"

@ -3,20 +3,151 @@
"info": "Prikazujem _START_ do _END_ od _TOTAL_ zapisov",
"infoEmpty": "Prikazujem 0 do 0 od 0 zapisov",
"infoFiltered": "(filtrirano od _MAX_ vseh zapisov)",
"infoThousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "Prikaži _MENU_ zapisov",
"loadingRecords": "Nalagam...",
"processing": "Obdelujem...",
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"zeroRecords": "Nobeden zapis ne ustreza",
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"sortAscending": "razvrsti naraščajoče",
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"_": "%d izbrani stolpci"
"rows": {
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"_": "2 izbrani vrstici"
"1": "%d izbrana vrstica",
"_": "%d izbrani vrstici",
"cells": {
"1": "1 izbrano polje",
"_": "%d izbrana polja"
"thousands": ".",
"searchBuilder": {
"conditions": {
"array": {
"equals": "Je enako",
"empty": "Prazno",
"contains": "Vsebuje",
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"without": "Brez"
"string": {
"endsWith": "Se konča z",
"equals": "Je enako",
"not": "Ni",
"notEmpty": "Ni prazno",
"startsWith": "Se začne z",
"contains": "Vsebuje",
"empty": "Prazno"
"number": {
"notBetween": "Ni med",
"notEmpty": "Ni prazno",
"gt": "Večje kot",
"gte": "Večje ali enako kot",
"lt": "Manjše kot",
"lte": "Manjše ali enako kot",
"not": "Ni",
"between": "Med",
"empty": "Prazno",
"equals": "Je enako"
"date": {
"after": "Od",
"before": "Do",
"between": "Med",
"empty": "Prazno",
"equals": "Je enako",
"not": "Ni enako",
"notBetween": "Ni med",
"notEmpty": "Ni prazno"
"moment": {
"after": "Od",
"before": "Do",
"between": "Med",
"empty": "Prazno",
"equals": "Je enako",
"not": "Ni",
"notBetween": "Ni med",
"notEmpty": "Ni prazno"
"value": "Vrednost",
"data": "Podatki",
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"leftTitle": "Zamik v levo",
"logicAnd": "in",
"logicOr": "ali",
"rightTitle": "Zamik v desno",
"title": {
"0": "Kriteriji iskanja",
"_": "Kriteriji iskanja (%d)"
"button": {
"_": "Kriteriji iskanja (%d)",
"0": "Kriteriji iskanja"
"clearAll": "Izbriši vse",
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"clearMessage": "Izbriši vse",
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"0": "Iskalnik",
"_": "Iskalnik (%d)"
"count": "{total}",
"emptyPanes": "Ni vnosnega polja za iskanje",
"loadMessage": "Nalagam iskalnik ...",
"title": "Aktivni filtri - %d"
"searchPlaceholder": "Vnesi iskalni pojem",
"buttons": {
"copySuccess": {
"1": "1 vrstica prekopirana na odložišče.",
"_": "%ds vrstic prekopiranih na odložišče."
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"infoPostFix": "Prikazano 1 do 10 od 57 vnosov",
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"sortAscending": ": vključite za naraščujoči sort",
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"processing": "Obdelujem ...",
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "prekliči",
"fill": "napolni",
"fillHorizontal": "napolni vodoravno",
"fillVertical": "napolni navpično",
"info": "informacije"

@ -18,5 +18,19 @@
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": เปิดใช้งานการเรียงข้อมูลจากน้อยไปมาก",
"sortDescending": ": เปิดใช้งานการเรียงข้อมูลจากมากไปน้อย"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "ยกเลิก",
"fill": "กรอกทุกช่องด้วย",
"fillHorizontal": "กรอกตามแนวนอน",
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"info": "ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม"
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"colvisRestore": "เรียกคืนการมองเห็น",
"copy": "คัดลอก",
"copyKeys": "กดปุ่ม Ctrl หรือ Command + C เพื่อคัดลอกข้อมูลบนตารางไปยัง Clipboard ที่เครื่องของคุณ"

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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"info": "_TOTAL_ kayıttan _START_ - _END_ arasındaki kayıtlar gösteriliyor",
"infoEmpty": "Kayıt yok",
@ -23,7 +22,127 @@
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"_": "%d hücre seçildi"
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"_": "%d sütun seçildi"
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"copy": "Koyala",
"copyKeys": "Tablodaki sisteminize kopyalamak için CTRL veya u2318 + C tuşlarına basınız.",
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"_": "Arama Oluşturucu (%d)"
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"equals": "Eşittir",
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"number": {
"between": "Arasında",
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"string": {
"contains": "İçerir",
"empty": "Boş",
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"notEmpty": "Dolu",
"startsWith": "İle başlar"
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"leftTitle": "Kriteri dışarı çıkart",
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"title": {
"0": "Arama Oluşturucu",
"_": "Arama Oluşturucu (%d)"
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"clearMessage": "Hepsini Temizle",
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"_": "Arama Bölmesi (%d)"
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"emptyPanes": "Arama Bölmesi yok",
"loadMessage": "Arama Bölmeleri yükleniyor ...",
"title": "Etkin filtreler - %d"
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@ -11,5 +11,131 @@
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"copyKeys": "Nhấn Ctrl hoặc u2318 + C để sao chép bảng dữ liệu vào clipboard.<br \/><br \/>Để hủy, click vào thông báo này hoặc nhấn ESC",
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"1": "Đã sao chép 1 dòng dữ liệu vào clipboard",
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"print": "In ấn"
"emptyTable": "Không có dữ liệu nào để hiển thị",
"infoPostFix": "Đang hiển thị dòng _START_ tới dòng _END_ trong tổng số _TOTAL_ mục",
"infoThousands": "`",
"loadingRecords": "Loading...",
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"1": "%d dòng đang được chọn",
"_": "%d dòng đang được chọn",
"cells": {
"1": "1 ô đang được chọn",
"_": "%d ô đang được chọn"
"columns": {
"1": "1 cột đang được chọn",
"_": "%d cột đang được được chọn"
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"1": "1 dòng đang được chọn",
"_": "%d dòng đang được chọn"
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"_": "Thiết lập tìm kiếm (%d)",
"0": "Thiết lập tìm kiếm"
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"0": "Thiết lập tìm kiếm",
"_": "Thiết lập tìm kiếm (%d)"
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"moment": {
"empty": "Rỗng",
"after": "Sau",
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"not": "Không phải",
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"notEmpty": "Không rỗng"
"number": {
"between": "Nằm giữa",
"empty": "Rỗng",
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"lt": "Nhỏ hơn",
"lte": "Nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng",
"not": "Không phải",
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"empty": "Rỗng",
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"notEmpty": "Không rỗng",
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"0": "Phần tìm kiếm",
"_": "Phần tìm kiếm (%d)"
"title": "Bộ lọc đang hoạt động - %d",
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@ -18,5 +18,78 @@
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"copyKeys": "按 ctrl 或者 u2318 + C 将表数据复制到剪贴板。<br \/><br \/>要取消请单击此消息或按Escape键。",
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"1": "显示 1 行",
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"_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
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"0": "搜索生成器",
"_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
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"0": "搜索栏",
"_": "搜索栏(%d"
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"_": "选择了%d行",
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"_": "选择了%d个单元格"
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"1": "选择了1列",
"_": "选择了%d列"

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"2": "%d 列已選擇",
"_": "%d 列已選擇"