Fixed bug: source should only be called before showing a child, but was also being called on hide.
New option: 'fadeNonShowingRows'
if set to true (false by default), the plug-in will reduce the opacity of rows not showing a child to the value specified by the 'fadeOpacity' setting
Can now be enabled inside the DataTables initialisation
Allows caller to handle source for child data via callback
Wraps provided child data in a div to allow optional animation (slide up / down)
Additional options:
animateShow: if true, uses jQuery slideDown() function to animate showing child data. If false, uses jQuery show()
animateHide: if true, uses jQuery slideUp() function to animate showing child data. If false, uses jQuery hide()
Fixed bug where non-direct tr descendants of datatable instance could be toggled by plugin
Changed default Ajax contentType to x-www-form-urlencoded from json
Reduced closeChild function complexity by moving row exists check to caller