/*! © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ import jQuery from 'jquery'; import DataTable from 'datatables.net'; // Allow reassignment of the $ variable let $ = jQuery; /** * @summary ScrollResize * @description Automatically alter the DataTables page length to fit the table into a container * @version 1.1.0 * @author SpryMedia Ltd * * This feature plug-in for DataTables will automatically change the DataTables * page length in order to fit inside its container. This can be particularly * useful for control panels and other interfaces which resize dynamically with * the user's browser window instead of scrolling. * * Page resizing in DataTables can be enabled by using any one of the following * options: * * * Setting the `scrollResize` parameter in the DataTables initialisation to * be true - i.e. `scrollResize: true` * * Setting the `scrollResize` parameter to be true in the DataTables * defaults (thus causing all tables to have this feature) - i.e. * `DataTable.defaults.scrollResize = true`. * * Creating a new instance: `new DataTable.ScrollResize( table );` where * `table` is a DataTable's API instance. */ var ScrollResize = function (dt) { var that = this; var table = dt.table(); this.s = { dt: dt, host: $(table.container()).parent(), header: $(table.header()), footer: $(table.footer()), body: $(table.body()), container: $(table.container()), table: $(table.node()), }; var host = this.s.host; if (host.css('position') === 'static') { host.css('position', 'relative'); } dt.on('draw.scrollResize', function () { that._size(); }); dt.on('destroy.scrollResize', function () { dt.off('.scrollResize'); this.s.obj && this.s.obj.remove(); }.bind(this)); this._attach(); this._size(); // Redraw the header if the scrollbar was visible before feature // initialization, but no longer after initialization. Otherwise, // the header width would differ from the body width, because the // scrollbar is no longer present. var settings = dt.settings()[0]; var divBodyEl = settings.nScrollBody; var scrollBarVis = divBodyEl.scrollHeight > divBodyEl.clientHeight; if (settings.scrollBarVis && !scrollBarVis) { dt.columns.adjust(); } }; ScrollResize.prototype = { _size: function () { var settings = this.s; var dt = settings.dt; var t = dt.table(); var offsetTop = $(settings.table).offset().top; var availableHeight = settings.host.height(); var scrollBody = $('div.dt-scroll-body', t.container()); // Subtract the height of the header, footer and the elements // surrounding the table availableHeight -= offsetTop; availableHeight -= settings.container.height() - (offsetTop + scrollBody.height()); $('div.dt-scroll-body', t.container()).css({ maxHeight: availableHeight, height: availableHeight, }); }, _attach: function () { // There is no `resize` event for elements, so to trigger this effect, // create an empty HTML document using an