 * This data rendering helper method can be useful for cases where you have
 * potentially large data strings to be shown in a column that is restricted by
 * width. The data for the column is still fully searchable and sortable, but if
 * it is longer than a give number of characters, it will be truncated and
 * shown with ellipsis. A browser provided tooltip will show the full string
 * to the end user on mouse hover of the cell.
 * This function should be used with the `dt-init columns.render` configuration
 * option of DataTables.
 * It accepts three parameters:
 * 1. `-type integer` - The number of characters to restrict the displayed data
 *    to.
 * 2. `-type boolean` (optional - default `false`) - Indicate if the truncation
 *    of the string should not occur in the middle of a word (`true`) or if it
 *    can (`false`). This can allow the display of strings to look nicer, at the
 *    expense of showing less characters.
 * 2. `-type boolean` (optional - default `false`) - Escape HTML entities
 *    (`true`) or not (`false` - default).
 *  @name ellipsis
 *  @summary Restrict output data to a particular length, showing anything
 *      longer with ellipsis and a browser provided tooltip on hover.
 *  @author [Allan Jardine](http://datatables.net)
 *  @requires DataTables 1.10+
 * @returns {Number} Calculated average
 *  @example
 *    // Restrict a column to 17 characters, don't split words
 *    $('#example').DataTable( {
 *      columnDefs: [ {
 *        targets: 1,
 *        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis( 17, true )
 *      } ]
 *    } );
 *  @example
 *    // Restrict a column to 10 characters, do split words
 *    $('#example').DataTable( {
 *      columnDefs: [ {
 *        targets: 2,
 *        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis( 10 )
 *      } ]
 *    } );

jQuery.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis = function ( cutoff, wordbreak, escapeHtml ) {
	var esc = function ( t ) {
		return t
			.replace( /&/g, '&' )
			.replace( /</g, '&lt;' )
			.replace( />/g, '&gt;' )
			.replace( /"/g, '&quot;' );

	return function ( d, type, row ) {
		// Order, search and type get the original data
		if ( type !== 'display' ) {
			return d;

		if ( typeof d !== 'number' && typeof d !== 'string' ) {
			return d;

		d = d.toString(); // cast numbers

		if ( d.length <= cutoff ) {
			return d;

		var shortened = d.substr(0, cutoff-1);

		// Find the last white space character in the string
		if ( wordbreak ) {
			shortened = shortened.replace(/\s([^\s]*)$/, '');

		// Protect against uncontrolled HTML input
		if ( escapeHtml ) {
			shortened = esc( shortened );

		return '<span class="ellipsis" title="'+esc(d)+'">'+shortened+'&#8230;</span>';