/*! © SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ (function( factory ){ if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( ['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ( $ ) { return factory( $, window, document ); } ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS var jq = require('jquery'); var cjsRequires = function (root, $) { if ( ! $.fn.dataTable ) { require('datatables.net')(root, $); } }; if (typeof window === 'undefined') { module.exports = function (root, $) { if ( ! root ) { // CommonJS environments without a window global must pass a // root. This will give an error otherwise root = window; } if ( ! $ ) { $ = jq( root ); } cjsRequires( root, $ ); return factory( $, root, root.document ); }; } else { cjsRequires( window, jq ); module.exports = factory( jq, window, window.document ); } } else { // Browser factory( jQuery, window, document ); } }(function( $, window, document, undefined ) { 'use strict'; var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable; /** * Sorts a column containing chapter numbers. This can be most useful when * using DataTables for a book or book reference style application. By * default, five sections are supported (a.b.c.d.e) with each being upto * four-digits long. Those defaults are controlled by constMaxSections and * constMaxSectionDigits respectively, and can be easily changed * * @name chapter * @summary Sort book chapters numerically * @author Colin Marks * * @example * $('#example').dataTable( { * columnDefs: [ * { type: 'chapter', targets: 0 } * ] * } ); */ DataTable.ext.type.order['chapter-pre'] = function (a) { var constMaxSections = 5; var constMaxSectionDigits = 4; var filler; var result = ''; var sections = a.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < constMaxSections; i++) { filler = i < sections.length ? constMaxSectionDigits - sections[i].length : constMaxSectionDigits; result += filler === 0 ? '' : Array(filler + 1).join('0'); result += i < sections.length ? sections[i] : ''; } return result; }; return DataTable; }));