/** * @summary SlidingChild * @description Show / Hide row child plugin * @version 2.0.2 * @file dataTables.slidingChild.js * @author Nick Adkinson (https://github.com/data-handler) * @copyright Copyright 2018 Nick Adkinson * * License MIT - http://datatables.net/license/mit * * This feature plug-in provides functionality for showing and hiding row child * information in DataTables. This can be particularly useful for displaying * hierarchical data as a drill-down, or where you wish to convey more information * about a row than there is space for in the host table. * * @example * $('#myTable').DataTable({ * slidingChild: { * source: function(parent, response) { * $.get('/Child/GetByParentId/' + parent.data('id'), response); * } * } * }); * */ (function( factory ){ if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( ['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ( $ ) { return factory( $, window, document ); } ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if ( ! root ) { root = window; } if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) { $ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$; } return factory( $, root, root.document ); }; } else { // Browser factory( jQuery, document ); } }(function( $, document ) { 'use strict'; var SlidingChild = function (dt, options) { var that = this; dt.on('draw', function() { that._updateFadedRows(); }); var table = dt.table(); var sliderElement = document.createElement('div'); sliderElement.className = 'slider'; this.s = $.extend({}, { dt: dt, table: $(table.node()), slider: $(sliderElement) }, SlidingChild.defaults, options ); this._bind(); }; SlidingChild.prototype = { _bind: function() { var that = this; var settings = that.s; $(settings.table, '> tbody').on('click', settings.selector, function() { var $this = $(this); var tr = $this.is('tr') ? $this : $this.closest('tr'); if (!tr.is('tr')) { return; } // throw error? var dtRow = settings.dt.row(tr); that._toggleChild(dtRow); }); }, _toggleChild: function(dtRow) { var settings = this.s; if (dtRow.child.isShown()) { this._hideChild(dtRow, function() {}); } else { var existingShownDtRow = settings.dt.row('.shown'); if (existingShownDtRow.length && settings.toggle) { this._hideChild(existingShownDtRow, this._showChildCallback(dtRow)); } else { this._showChild(dtRow); } } }, _showChildCallback: function(dtRow) { return function( dtRow ) { this._showChild(dtRow); }.bind( this, dtRow ); }, _showChild: function(dtRow) { var $tr = $(dtRow.node()); if (this.s.displayLoadingIndicator) { this._addLoadingIndicator($tr); } this.s.source( $tr, this._response(dtRow) ); }, _response: function(dtRow) { return function( dtRow, childData ) { this.__showChild( dtRow, childData ); }.bind( this, dtRow ); }, __showChild: function(dtRow, data) { var settings = this.s; var slider = settings.slider; var $tr = $(dtRow.node()); if (settings.displayLoadingIndicator) { $('.'+this.s.loadingIndicatorClass).remove(); } slider.append(data); dtRow.child(slider, settings.childClass).show(); $tr.toggleClass('shown'); this._updateFadedRows(); if (settings.animateShow) { this._showChildWithAnimation(dtRow); } else { this._showChildWithoutAnimation(dtRow); } }, _showChildWithAnimation: function(dtRow) { var settings = this.s; $(settings.slider, dtRow.child()).slideDown(settings.animationSpeed, function () { settings.onShown(dtRow); }); }, _showChildWithoutAnimation: function(dtRow) { var settings = this.s; $(settings.slider, dtRow.child()).show(); settings.onShown(dtRow); }, _hideChild: function(dtRow, callback) { var settings = this.s; $(dtRow.node()).toggleClass('shown'); this._updateFadedRows(); if (settings.animateHide) { this._hideChildWithAnimation(dtRow, callback); } else { this._hideChildWithoutAnimation(dtRow, callback); } }, _hideChildWithAnimation: function(dtRow, callback) { var settings = this.s; var slider = settings.slider; $(slider, dtRow.child()).slideUp(settings.animationSpeed, function () { dtRow.child.remove(); slider.empty(); settings.onHidden(dtRow); callback(); }); }, _hideChildWithoutAnimation: function(dtRow, callback) { var settings = this.s; var slider = settings.slider; $(slider, dtRow.child()).hide(); dtRow.child.remove(); slider.empty(); settings.onHidden(dtRow); callback(); }, _updateFadedRows: function() { if (this.s.fadeNonShowingRows) { this._fadeNonShowingRows(); this._removeFadeFromShowingRows(); } else { this._removeFadeFromRows(); } }, _fadeNonShowingRows: function() { if (this.s.dt.rows('.shown:visible').count()) { this.s.dt.rows(':visible:not(.shown):not(.faded)') .nodes() .to$() .css('opacity', this.s.fadeOpacity) .addClass('faded'); } else { this._removeFadeFromRows(); } }, _removeFadeFromShowingRows: function() { this.s.dt.rows('.shown.faded:visible') .nodes() .to$() .css('opacity', 1) .removeClass('faded'); }, _removeFadeFromRows: function() { this.s.dt.rows('.faded') .nodes() .to$() .css('opacity', 1) .removeClass('faded'); }, _addLoadingIndicator: function($tr) { var position = $tr.position(); var indicator = $(this.s.loadingIndicatorContent); indicator.addClass(this.s.loadingIndicatorClass); indicator.css('top', position.top); indicator.css('left', position.left); indicator.css('height', $tr.height()); $tr.append(indicator); } }; SlidingChild.defaults = { selector: "tr", childClass: 'child', source: function() {}, toggle: true, animateShow: true, animateHide: true, fadeNonShowingRows: false, fadeOpacity: 0.4, animationSpeed: 200, onShown: function() {}, onHidden: function() {}, displayLoadingIndicator: false, loadingIndicatorClass: 'loading-indicator', loadingIndicatorContent: '<div style="background: black; color: white; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; width: 100%; z-index: 100;">Loading...</div>' }; $.fn.dataTable.SlidingChild = SlidingChild; $.fn.DataTable.SlidingChild = SlidingChild; // Automatic initialisation listener $(document).on( 'init.dt', function ( e, settings ) { if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) { return; } var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings ); if ( $( api.table().node() ).hasClass( 'slidingChild' ) || settings.oInit.slidingChild || $.fn.dataTable.defaults.slidingChild ) { new SlidingChild( api, settings.oInit.slidingChild ); } } ); }));