/** * This plug-in will add automatic detection for currency columns to * DataTables. Note that only $ and £ symbols are detected with this code, * but it is trivial to add more or change the current ones. This is best used * in conjunction with the currency sorting plug-in. * @name Currency * @anchor currency * @author Allan Jardine, Nuno Gomes */ (function(){ // Change this list to the valid characters you want var validChars = "$£€c" + "0123456789" + ".-,'"; // Init the regex just once for speed - it is "closure locked" var str = jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi._fnEscapeRegex( validChars ), re = new RegExp('[^'+str+']'); jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.aTypes.unshift( function ( data ) { if ( typeof data !== 'string' || re.test(data) ) { return null; } return 'currency'; } ); }());