/** * Take a TR element and alter the table's paging to show the TR in question. * @name fnDisplayRow * @anchor fnDisplayRow * @author Allan Jardine * * @example * $(document).ready(function() { * // Display the 21st row in the table * var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); * oTable.fnDisplayRow( oTable.fnGetNodes()[20] ); * } ); */ $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnDisplayRow = function ( oSettings, nRow ) { // Account for the "display" all case - row is already displayed if ( oSettings._iDisplayLength == -1 ) { return; } // Find the node in the table var iPos = -1; for( var i=0, iLen=oSettings.aiDisplay.length ; i= 0 ) { oSettings._iDisplayStart = ( Math.floor(i / oSettings._iDisplayLength) ) * oSettings._iDisplayLength; this.oApi._fnCalculateEnd( oSettings ); } this.oApi._fnDraw( oSettings ); };