/** * @summary SlidingChild * @description Show/Hide child data plug-in * @version 1.0.1 * @file datatables.slidingChild.js * @author datahandler (www.datahandler.uk) * @copyright Copyright 2017 datahandler. */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; var SlidingChild = function (dt, options) { var opts = $.extend({}, SlidingChild.defaults, options); // bind to selector click $(dt.table().node(), '> tbody').on('click', opts.selector, function() { var $this = $(this); var tr = $this.is('tr') ? $this : $this.closest('tr'); if (!tr.is('tr')) { return; } // throw error? var row = dt.row(tr); toggleChild(row); }); function toggleChild (dtRow) { if (dtRow.child.isShown()) { closeChild(dtRow); } else { var existingShownDtRow = dt.row('.shown'); if (existingShownDtRow.length && opts.toggleChild) { closeChild(existingShownDtRow); } showChildData(dtRow); } } // code borrowed from the resource at: https://datatables.net/blog/2014-10-02 function closeChild (dtRow) { var showingRow = $(dtRow.node()); $(opts.sliderSelector, dtRow.child()).slideUp(opts.animationSpeed, function () { dtRow.child.remove(); showingRow.removeClass('shown'); if (opts.onHidden !== null) { opts.onHidden(dtRow); } }); } function showChildData (dtRow) { if (opts.ajax.requestUrl === null) { showChildDataFromRow(dtRow); } else { $.ajax({ type: opts.ajax.requestType, url: opts.ajax.requestUrl, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { if (opts.ajax.requestDataCallback) { this.data = opts.ajax.requestDataCallback(dtRow); } }, contentType: opts.ajax.contentType, dataType: opts.ajax.dataType, success: function (response) { var data = response; if (opts.dataFormatCallback) { data = opts.dataFormatCallback(response); } showChild(dtRow, data); }, error: function (response) { showChild(dtRow, response); } }); } } function showChildDataFromRow(dtRow) { if (!opts.dataFormatCallback) { return; } // throw error? var data = opts.dataFormatCallback(dtRow); showChild(dtRow, data); } function showChild(dtRow, data) { var selectedRow = $(dtRow.node()); dtRow.child(data, opts.childClass).show(); $(opts.sliderSelector, dtRow.child()).slideDown(opts.animationSpeed, function () { selectedRow.addClass('shown'); if (opts.onShown !== null) { opts.onShown(dtRow); } }); } }; SlidingChild.defaults = { selector: "tr", toggleChild: true, animationSpeed: 200, ajax: { requestType: "GET", requestDataCallback: null, requestUrl: null, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", dataType: "json" }, dataFormatCallback: null, sliderSelector: 'div.slider', childClass: null, onShown: null, onHidden: null }; $.fn.dataTable.SlidingChild = SlidingChild; $.fn.DataTable.SlidingChild = SlidingChild; }(jQuery));