 * This plug-in will provide date sorting for the "dd/mm/YYYY hh:ii:ss" 
 * formatting, which is common in France and other European countries. It can 
 * also be quickly adapted for other formatting as required. Furthermore, this 
 * date sorting plug-in allows for empty values in the column.
 * Please note that this plug-in is **deprecated*. The
 * [datetime](//datatables.net/blog/2014-12-18) plug-in provides enhanced
 * functionality and flexibility.
 *  @name Date (dd/mm/YYYY hh:ii:ss) 
 *  @summary Sort date / time in the format `dd/mm/YYYY hh:ii:ss`
 *  @author [Ronan Guilloux](http://coolforest.net/)
 *  @deprecated
 *  @example
 *    $('#example').dataTable( {
 *       columnDefs: [
 *         { type: 'date-euro', targets: 0 }
 *       ]
 *    } );

 jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
    "date-euro-pre": function ( a ) {
        var x;

        if ( $.trim(a) !== '' ) {
            var frDatea = $.trim(a).split(' ');
            var frTimea = (undefined != frDatea[1]) ? frDatea[1].split(':') : [00,00,00];
            var frDatea2 = frDatea[0].split('/');
            x = (frDatea2[2] + frDatea2[1] + frDatea2[0] + frTimea[0] + frTimea[1] + ((undefined != frTimea[2]) ? frTimea[2] : 0)) * 1;
        else {
            x = Infinity;

        return x;

    "date-euro-asc": function ( a, b ) {
        return a - b;

    "date-euro-desc": function ( a, b ) {
        return b - a;
} );