/** * Sorting in Javascript for Turkish Characters. This plug-in will replace the special * turkish letters (non english characters) and replace in English. * * * @name Turkish * @summary Sort Turkish characters * @author [Yuksel Beyti](http://yukselbeyti.com) * * @example * // Use plug-in for all columns * $('#example').dataTable({ * columnDefs: [ * { type: 'turkish'. targets: '_all' } * ] * }); */ jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, { "turkish-pre": function ( a ) { var special_letters = { "C": "Ca", "c": "ca", "Ç": "Cb", "ç": "cb", "G": "Ga", "g": "ga", "Ğ": "Gb", "ğ": "gb", "I": "Ia", "ı": "ia", "İ": "Ib", "i": "ib", "O": "Oa", "o": "oa", "Ö": "Ob", "ö": "ob", "S": "Sa", "s": "sa", "Ş": "Sb", "ş": "sb", "U": "Ua", "u": "ua", "Ü": "Ub", "ü": "ub" }; for (var val in special_letters) a = a.split(val).join(special_letters[val]).toLowerCase(); return a; }, "turkish-asc": function ( a, b ) { return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)); }, "turkish-desc": function ( a, b ) { return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0)); } } );