
52 lines
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* Return an array of table values from a particular column, with various
* filtering options.
* @name fnGetColumnData
* @anchor fnGetColumnData
* @author <a href="">Benedikt Forchhammer</a>
* @example
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnGetColumnData = function ( oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty ) {
// check that we have a column id
if ( typeof iColumn == "undefined" ) return [];
// by default we only wany unique data
if ( typeof bUnique == "undefined" ) bUnique = true;
// by default we do want to only look at filtered data
if ( typeof bFiltered == "undefined" ) bFiltered = true;
// by default we do not wany to include empty values
if ( typeof bIgnoreEmpty == "undefined" ) bIgnoreEmpty = true;
// list of rows which we're going to loop through
var aiRows;
// use only filtered rows
if (bFiltered == true) aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplay;
// use all rows
else aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster; // all row numbers
// set up data array
var asResultData = new Array();
for (var i=0,c=aiRows.length; i<c; i++) {
iRow = aiRows[i];
var sValue = this.fnGetData(iRow, iColumn);
// ignore empty values?
if (bIgnoreEmpty == true && sValue.length == 0) continue;
// ignore unique values?
else if (bUnique == true && jQuery.inArray(sValue, asResultData) > -1) continue;
// else push the value onto the result data array
else asResultData.push(sValue);
return asResultData;