82 lines
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82 lines
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* @summary ConditionalPaging
* @description Hide paging controls when the amount of pages is <= 1
* @version 1.0.0
* @file dataTables.conditionalPaging.js
* @author Matthew Hasbach (https://github.com/mjhasbach)
* @contact hasbach.git@gmail.com
* @copyright Copyright 2015 Matthew Hasbach
* License MIT - http://datatables.net/license/mit
* This feature plugin for DataTables hides paging controls when the amount
* of pages is <= 1. The controls can either appear / disappear or fade in / out
* @example
* $('#myTable').DataTable({
* conditionalPaging: true
* });
* @example
* $('#myTable').DataTable({
* conditionalPaging: {
* style: 'fade',
* speed: 500 // optional
* }
* });
(function(window, document, $) {
$(document).on('init.dt', function(e, dtSettings) {
if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) {
var options = dtSettings.oInit.conditionalPaging;
if ($.isPlainObject(options) || options === true) {
var config = $.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {},
api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(dtSettings),
speed = 'slow',
conditionalPaging = function(e) {
var $paging = $(api.table().container()).find('div.dataTables_paginate'),
pages = api.page.info().pages;
if (e instanceof $.Event) {
if (pages <= 1) {
if (config.style === 'fade') {
$paging.stop().fadeTo(speed, 0);
else {
$paging.css('visibility', 'hidden');
else {
if (config.style === 'fade') {
$paging.stop().fadeTo(speed, 1);
else {
$paging.css('visibility', '');
else if (pages <= 1) {
if (config.style === 'fade') {
$paging.css('opacity', 0);
else {
$paging.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if ($.isNumeric(config.speed) || $.type(config.speed) === 'string') {
speed = config.speed;
api.on('draw.dt', conditionalPaging);
})(window, document, jQuery); |