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21 lines
703 B

"emptyTable": "Ma'lumot yo'q",
"info": "Umumiy _TOTAL_ yozuvlarlardan _START_ dan _END_ gachasi ko'rsatilmoqda",
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"infoFiltered": "(_MAX_ yozuvlardan filtrlandi)",
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_ ta yozuvlarni ko'rsat",
"loadingRecords": "Yozuvlar yuklanmoqda...",
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"search": "Izlash:",
"zeroRecords": "Ma'lumot yo'q.",
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"first": "Birinchi",
"previous": "Avvalgi",
"next": "Keyingi",
"last": "Son'ggi"
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"sortAscending": ": to'g'ri tartiblash",
"sortDescending": ": teskari tartiblash"