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/*! Deep linking options parsing support for DataTables
* 2017 SpryMedia Ltd -
* @summary LengthLinks
* @description Deep linking options parsing support for DataTables
* @version 1.0.0
* @file dataTables.deepLink.js
* @author SpryMedia Ltd (
* @copyright Copyright 2017 SpryMedia Ltd.
* License MIT -
* This feature plug-in for DataTables provides a function which will
* take DataTables options from the browser's URL search string and
* return an object that can be used to construct a DataTable. This
* allows deep linking to be easily implemented with DataTables - for
* example a URL might be `myTable?displayStart=10` which will
* automatically cause the second page of the DataTable to be displayed.
* This plug-in works on a whitelist basis - you must specify which
* [initialisation parameters](// you
* want the URL search string to specify. Any parameter given in the
* URL which is not listed will be ignored (e.g. you are unlikely to
* want to let the URL search string specify the `ajax` option).
* This specification is done by passing an array of property names
* to the `$.fn.dataTable.ext.deepLink` function. If you do which to
* allow _every_ parameter (I wouldn't recommend it) you can use `all`
* instead of an array.
* @example
* // Allow a display start point and search string to be specified
* $('#myTable').DataTable(
* $.fn.dataTable.ext.deepLink( [ 'displayStart', '' ] )
* );
* @example
* // As above, but with a default search
* var options = $.fn.dataTable.ext.deepLink(['displayStart', '']);
* $('#myTable').DataTable(
* $.extend( true, {
* search: { search: 'Initial search value' }
* }, options )
* );
(function(window, document, $, undefined) {
// Use DataTables' object builder so strings can be used to represent
// nested objects
var setBuilder = $.fn.dataTable.ext.internal._fnSetObjectDataFn;
$.fn.dataTable.ext.deepLink = function(whitelist) {
var search =^\?/, '').split('&');
var out = {};
for (var i = 0, ien = search.length; i < ien; i++) {
var pair = search[i].split('=');
var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
// "Casting"
if (value === 'true') {
value = true;
else if (value === 'false') {
value = false;
else if (!value.match(/[^\d]/)) {
value = value * 1;
else if (value.indexOf('{') === 0 || value.indexOf('[') === 0) {
// Try to JSON parse for arrays and obejcts
try {
value = $.parseJSON( value );
if (whitelist === 'all' || $.inArray(key, whitelist) !== -1) {
var setter = setBuilder(key);
setter(out, value);
return out;
})(window, document, jQuery);