You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
4.4 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

"processing": "处理中...",
"lengthMenu": "显示 _MENU_ 项结果",
"zeroRecords": "没有匹配结果",
"info": "显示第 _START_ 至 _END_ 项结果,共 _TOTAL_ 项",
"infoEmpty": "显示第 0 至 0 项结果,共 0 项",
"infoFiltered": "(由 _MAX_ 项结果过滤)",
"search": "搜索:",
"emptyTable": "表中数据为空",
"paginate": {
"first": "首页",
"previous": "上页",
"next": "下页",
"last": "末页"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": 以升序排列此列",
"sortDescending": ": 以降序排列此列"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "取消",
"fill": "用 <i>%d<\/i> 填充所有单元格",
"fillHorizontal": "水平填充单元格",
"fillVertical": "垂直填充单元格",
"info": "自动填充示例"
"buttons": {
"collection": "集合 <span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
"colvis": "列可见性",
"colvisRestore": "恢复列可见性",
"copy": "复制",
"copyKeys": "按 ctrl 或者 u2318 + C 将表数据复制到剪贴板。<br \/><br \/>要取消请单击此消息或按Escape键。",
"copyTitle": "复制到剪贴板",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pdf": "PDF",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "已将 1 行复制到剪贴板",
"_": "已将 %d 行复制到剪贴板"
"pageLength": {
"-1": "显示所有行",
"1": "显示 1 行",
"_": "显示 %d 行"
"print": "打印"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "添加搜索条件",
"button": {
"0": "搜索生成器",
"_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
"clearAll": "全部清除",
"condition": "条件",
"data": "数据",
"deleteTitle": "删除过滤规则",
"leftTitle": "Outdent 条件",
"logicAnd": "And",
"logicOr": "Or",
"rightTitle": "Indent 条件",
"title": {
"0": "搜索生成器",
"_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
"value": "值",
"conditions": {
"date": {
"after": "日期条件查询为after条件名称大于",
"before": "日期条件查询为before条件名称小于",
"between": "日期条件查询为between条件名称介于2个日期之间",
"empty": "日期条件查询为empty条件名称日期为空",
"equals": "日期条件查询为equals条件名称等于",
"notBetween": "日期条件查询为notBetween条件名称不介于2个日期之间",
"notEmpty": "日期条件查询为notEmpty条件名称日期不为空"
"string": {
"contains": "文本包含",
"empty": "文本为空",
"endsWith": "文本以某某结尾",
"equals": "文本等于",
"not": "文本不等于",
"notEmpty": "文本不为空",
"startsWith": "文本从某某开始"
"searchPanes": {
"collapse": {
"0": "搜索栏",
"_": "搜索栏(%d"
"title": "应用的过滤器 - %d",
"clearMessage": "全部清除",
"count": "计数",
"countFiltered": "过滤计数",
"emptyPanes": "没有搜索栏",
"loadMessage": "正在加载搜索栏"
"searchPlaceholder": "请输入查询关键字",
"select": {
"_": "选择了%d行",
"cells": {
"1": "选择了1个单元格",
"_": "选择了%d个单元格"
"columns": {
"1": "选择了1列",
"_": "选择了%d列"
"0": "没有选中数据行的文字说明",
"1": "选中一行的文字说明",
"rows": {
"1": "被选中一行的说明",
"_": "被选中多行的说明"
"decimal": "用于标记小数位的字符",
"infoPostFix": "分页数据信息说明",
"infoThousands": "千分数分隔符,默认值是英文逗号",
"loadingRecords": "数据加载提示信息,例如:数据加载中...",
"thousands": "千位分隔符,默认值是英文逗号"