i18n: Latest translations

Allan Jardine 3 years ago
parent fec024221b
commit bedb1637ca

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
"colvisRestore": "Restaurar visibilitat",
"copyKeys": "Pressiona ctrl o poma + C per copiar les dades de la tabla al teu portapaper",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel"
"excel": "Excel",
"renameState": "Cambiar nom"
"select": {
"rows": {
@ -57,7 +58,8 @@
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Cancel·lar",
"fillHorizontal": "Omple les cel·les horitzontalment",
"fillVertical": "Omple les cel·les verticalment"
"fillVertical": "Omple les cel·les verticalment",
"fill": "Omple totes les cel·les amb <i>%d<\/i>"
"thousands": ".",
"datetime": {
@ -70,7 +72,21 @@
"previous": "Anterior",
"next": "Següent"
"next": "Següent",
"months": {
"11": "Desembre",
"10": "Novembre",
"9": "Octubre",
"7": "Agost",
"5": "Juny",
"4": "Maig",
"3": "Abril",
"2": "Març",
"1": "Febrer",
"0": "Gener",
"8": "Septembre",
"6": "Julio"
"editor": {
"close": "Tancar",
@ -137,7 +153,10 @@
"equals": "Iguals",
"not": "No",
"notEmpty": "No buit",
"startsWith": "Comença amb"
"startsWith": "Comença amb",
"notEnds": "No acaba amb",
"notStarts": "No comença amb",
"notContains": "No inclou"
"array": {
"equals": "Iguals",
@ -154,7 +173,15 @@
"logicAnd": "I",
"logicOr": "O",
"rightTitle": "Criteri d'indentació",
"value": "Valor"
"value": "Valor",
"title": {
"_": "Constructor de cerca (%d)",
"0": "Constructor de cerca"
"button": {
"_": "Constructor de cerca (%d)",
"0": "Constructor de cerca"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Eborrar tot",
@ -166,6 +193,17 @@
"countFiltered": "{monstrat} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "No panells de cerca",
"loadMessage": "Carregant panells de cerca",
"title": "Filtes actius - %d"
"title": "Filtes actius - %d",
"collapseMessage": "Colapsar Tot",
"showMessage": "Mostrar tot"
"stateRestore": {
"renameLabel": "Nuevo nomm perpara %s",
"renameButton": "Cambiar nom",
"removeSubmit": "Eliminar",
"removeJoiner": "i",
"removeError": "Error eliminant el registre",
"removeConfirm": "¿Segur que vol eliminar aquest %s?",
"emptyError": "El nom no pot estar buit"

@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
"sortAscending": "Aktivujte pro seřazení vzestupně",
"sortDescending": "Aktivujte pro seřazení sestupně"
"infoThousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "Zobrazit _MENU_ výsledků",
"processing": "Zpracovávání...",
"search": "Vyhledávání:",
@ -150,5 +149,6 @@
"button": "Změnit",
"title": "Změnit záznam"
"infoThousands": " "

@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
"deleteTitle": "Slet filtrerings regel",
"logicAnd": "Og",
"logicOr": "Eller",
"value": "Værdi"
"value": "Værdi",
"title": {
"_": "Brugerdefineret filtrering"

@ -95,7 +95,10 @@
"equals": "Entspricht",
"not": "Nicht",
"notEmpty": "Nicht leer",
"startsWith": "Startet mit"
"startsWith": "Startet mit",
"notContains": "enthält nicht",
"notStarts": "startet nicht mit",
"notEnds": "endet nicht mit"
"array": {
"equals": "ist gleich",
@ -129,7 +132,9 @@
"emptyPanes": "Keine Suchmasken",
"loadMessage": "Lade Suchmasken..",
"title": "Aktive Filter: %d",
"count": "Anzahl"
"count": "Anzahl",
"showMessage": "zeige Alle",
"collapseMessage": "Alle ausklappen"
"thousands": ".",
"zeroRecords": "Keine passenden Einträge gefunden",

@ -44,7 +44,14 @@
"_": "Show %d rows"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Print"
"print": "Print",
"updateState": "Update",
"stateRestore": "State %d",
"savedStates": "Saved States",
"renameState": "Rename",
"removeState": "Remove",
"removeAllStates": "Remove All States",
"createState": "Create State"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Add Condition",
@ -84,7 +91,10 @@
"equals": "Equals",
"not": "Not",
"notEmpty": "Not Empty",
"startsWith": "Starts With"
"startsWith": "Starts With",
"notContains": "Does Not Contain",
"notStarts": "Does Not Start With",
"notEnds": "Does Not End With"
"array": {
"without": "Without",
@ -117,7 +127,9 @@
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "No SearchPanes",
"loadMessage": "Loading SearchPanes",
"title": "Filters Active - %d"
"title": "Filters Active - %d",
"showMessage": "Show All",
"collapseMessage": "Collapse All"
"select": {
"cells": {
@ -194,5 +206,34 @@
"restore": "Undo Changes",
"noMulti": "This input can be edited individually, but not part of a group. "
"stateRestore": {
"renameTitle": "Rename State",
"renameLabel": "New Name for %s:",
"renameButton": "Rename",
"removeTitle": "Remove State",
"removeSubmit": "Remove",
"removeJoiner": " and ",
"removeError": "Failed to remove state.",
"removeConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove %s?",
"emptyStates": "No saved states",
"emptyError": "Name cannot be empty.",
"duplicateError": "A state with this name already exists.",
"creationModal": {
"toggleLabel": "Includes:",
"title": "Create New State",
"select": "Select",
"searchBuilder": "SearchBuilder",
"search": "Search",
"scroller": "Scroll Position",
"paging": "Paging",
"order": "Sorting",
"name": "Name:",
"columns": {
"visible": "Column Visibility",
"search": "Column Search"
"button": "Create"

@ -27,7 +27,14 @@
"_": "Mostrar %d filas"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir"
"print": "Imprimir",
"createState": "Crear Estado",
"removeAllStates": "Borrar Todos los Estados",
"removeState": "Borrar Estado",
"renameState": "Renombrar Estado",
"savedStates": "Guardar Estado",
"stateRestore": "Restaurar Estado",
"updateState": "Actualizar Estado"
"infoThousands": ",",
"loadingRecords": "Cargando...",
@ -87,7 +94,10 @@
"equals": "Igual a",
"not": "Diferente de",
"startsWith": "Inicia con",
"notEmpty": "No vacío"
"notEmpty": "No vacío",
"notContains": "No Contiene",
"notEnds": "No Termina",
"notStarts": "No Comienza"
"array": {
"equals": "Igual a",
@ -110,7 +120,9 @@
"emptyPanes": "Sin paneles de búsqueda",
"loadMessage": "Cargando paneles de búsqueda",
"title": "Filtros Activos - %d",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})"
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"collapseMessage": "Colapsar",
"showMessage": "Mostrar Todo"
"select": {
"cells": {
@ -195,5 +207,11 @@
"info": "Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ entradas",
"infoEmpty": "Mostrando 0 a 0 de 0 entradas",
"infoFiltered": "(Filtrado de _MAX_ total de entradas)",
"lengthMenu": "Mostrar _MENU_ entradas"
"lengthMenu": "Mostrar _MENU_ entradas",
"stateRestore": {
"removeTitle": "Eliminar",
"creationModal": {
"search": "Busccar"

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"copyKeys": "Presione ctrl o u2318 + C para copiar los datos de la tabla al portapapeles del sistema. <br \/> <br \/> Para cancelar, haga clic en este mensaje o presione escape.",
"copySuccess": {
"1": "Copiada 1 fila al portapapeles",
"_": "Copiadas %d fila al portapapeles"
"_": "Copiadas %ds fila al portapapeles"
"copyTitle": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"csv": "CSV",
@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
"_": "Mostrar %d filas"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir"
"print": "Imprimir",
"renameState": "Cambiar nombre",
"updateState": "Actualizar"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
@ -83,7 +85,10 @@
"equals": "Igual a",
"notEmpty": "No Vacio",
"startsWith": "Empieza con",
"not": "Diferente de"
"not": "Diferente de",
"notContains": "No Contiene",
"notStarts": "No empieza con",
"notEnds": "No termina con"
"array": {
"not": "Diferente de",
@ -116,7 +121,9 @@
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Sin paneles de búsqueda",
"loadMessage": "Cargando paneles de búsqueda",
"title": "Filtros Activos - %d"
"title": "Filtros Activos - %d",
"showMessage": "Mostrar Todo",
"collapseMessage": "Colapsar Todo"
"select": {
"cells": {
@ -199,5 +206,22 @@
"noMulti": "Este registro puede ser editado individualmente, pero no como parte de un grupo."
"info": "Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros"
"info": "Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros",
"stateRestore": {
"creationModal": {
"button": "Crear",
"name": "Nombre:",
"order": "Clasificación",
"paging": "Paginación",
"search": "Busqueda",
"select": "Seleccionar"
"emptyError": "El nombre no puede estar vacio",
"removeConfirm": "¿Seguro que quiere eliminar este %s?",
"removeError": "Error al eliminar el registro",
"removeJoiner": "y",
"removeSubmit": "Eliminar",
"renameButton": "Cambiar Nombre",
"renameLabel": "Nuevo nombre para %s"

@ -11,5 +11,149 @@
"previous": "Eelmine",
"next": "J&auml;rgmine",
"last": "Viimane"
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": sorteeri kasvavalt",
"sortDescending": ": sorteeri kahanevalt"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Tühista"
"buttons": {
"copy": "Kopeeri",
"copyKeys": "Vajuta CTRL või u2318 + C et kopeerida tabeli sisu lõikelauale<br \/><br \/>Tühistamiseks kliki sellel sõnumil või vajutage ESC.",
"copyTitle": "Kopeeri lõikelauale",
"csv": "CSV",
"excel": "Excel",
"pageLength": {
"_": "Kuvan %d rida",
"-1": "Kuva kõik read",
"1": "Kuvan ühte rida"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Prindi"
"datetime": {
"amPm": [
"hours": "Tund",
"minutes": "Minut",
"months": {
"0": "Jaanuar",
"1": "Veebruar",
"10": "November",
"11": "Detsember",
"2": "Märts",
"3": "Aprill",
"4": "Mai",
"5": "Juuni",
"6": "Juuli",
"7": "August",
"8": "September",
"9": "Oktoober"
"next": "Järgmine",
"previous": "Eelmine",
"seconds": "Sekund",
"unknown": "Teadmata",
"weekdays": [
"decimal": ".",
"editor": {
"close": "Sulge",
"create": {
"button": "Lisa uus rida",
"submit": "Lisa",
"title": "Lisa uus rida"
"edit": {
"button": "Muuda rida",
"submit": "Salvesta",
"title": "Muuda rida"
"remove": {
"button": "Kustuta",
"submit": "Kustuta",
"title": "Kustuta rida"
"emptyTable": "Andmed puuduvad",
"loadingRecords": "Laen...",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Lisa tingimus",
"button": {
"_": "Põhjalik otsing (%d)",
"0": "Põhjalik otsing"
"clearAll": "Eemalda kõik",
"condition": "Tingimus",
"conditions": {
"array": {
"contains": "Sisaldab",
"empty": "On tühi",
"equals": "Võrdub",
"not": "Ei ole",
"notEmpty": "Ei ole tühi"
"date": {
"after": "Pärast",
"before": "Enne",
"between": "Vahemikus",
"empty": "On tühi",
"equals": "Võrdub",
"not": "Ei ole",
"notBetween": "Ei ole vahemikus",
"notEmpty": "Ei ole tühi"
"number": {
"between": "On vahemikus",
"empty": "On tühi",
"equals": "Võrdub",
"gt": "Suurem kui",
"gte": "Suurem või võrdne kui",
"lt": "Väiksem kui",
"lte": "Väiksem või võrdne kui",
"not": "Ei ole",
"notBetween": "Ei ole vahemikus",
"notEmpty": "Ei ole tühi"
"string": {
"contains": "Sisaldab",
"empty": "On tühi",
"endsWith": "Lõppeb",
"equals": "Võrdub",
"not": "Ei ole",
"notContains": "Ei sisalda",
"notEmpty": "Ei ole tühi",
"notEnds": "Ei lõppe",
"notStarts": "Ei alga",
"startsWith": "Algab"
"data": "Tulp",
"deleteTitle": "Eemalda tingimus",
"logicAnd": "JA",
"logicOr": "VÕI",
"title": {
"_": "Põhjalik otsing (%d)",
"0": "Põhjalik otsing"
"value": "Väärtus"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "Eemalda kõik",
"count": "{total}",
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})"
"searchPlaceholder": "Otsi..."

@ -150,12 +150,12 @@
"4": "Mai",
"5": "Juin",
"6": "Juillet",
"7": "Aout",
"8": "Septembre",
"9": "Octobre",
"10": "Novembre",
"1": "Février",
"11": "Décembre"
"11": "Décembre",
"7": "Août"
"weekdays": [
@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
"close": "Fermer",
"create": {
"title": "Créer une nouvelle entrée",
"submit": "Envoyer",
"button": "Nouveau"
"button": "Nouveau",
"submit": "Créer"
"edit": {
"button": "Editer",
@ -197,5 +197,8 @@
"title": "Valeurs multiples",
"restore": "Rétablir modification"
"stateRestore": {
"removeSubmit": "Supprimer"

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Stampa"
"decimal": ",",
"emptyTable": "Nessun dato disponibile nella tabella",
"info": "Risultati da _START_ a _END_ di _TOTAL_ elementi",
"infoEmpty": "Risultati da 0 a 0 di 0 elementi",
@ -199,5 +198,6 @@
"title": "Rimuovi"
"thousands": "."
"thousands": ".",
"decimal": ","

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "batal",
"fill": "tambah sedoyo sell",
"fillHorizontal": "tambah sell mlumah",
"fillVertical": "tambah sell ngaceng"
"buttons": {
"copy": "nyalin",
"collection": "koleksi",
"colvis": "kolum ingkang ketok"
"datetime": {
"hours": "jam",
"minutes": "menit",
"next": "terus",
"seconds": "detik",
"previous": "sakderenge",
"unknown": "mboten dikenal"
"emptyTable": "mbonten wonten datanipun",
"decimal": ".",
"infoEmpty": "nunjukakan kosong",
"infoFiltered": "sampun kesaring",
"lengthMenu": "sedoso",
"loadingRecords": "saweg mikir",
"paginate": {
"first": "ndisik",
"last": "kemper",
"next": "terus",
"previous": "maju"
"processing": "saweg mikir",
"search": "madosi",
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Tambah Kondisi",
"clearAll": "Busek Kabeh",
"condition": "Kondisi",
"data": "Data",
"leftTitle": "judulKiwo",
"value": "nilai"
"searchPanes": {
"clearMessage": "busek kabeh",
"collapseMessage": "pesenAmbyar",
"showMessage": "pesenCendak",
"title": "judul"
"searchPlaceholder": "papan kagem madosi",
"stateRestore": {
"emptyError": "salahKosong",
"removeConfirm": "pindahKonfirmasi",
"renameTitle": "gantiJudul"
"thousands": ".",
"zeroRecords": "mboten wonten data ingkang dipun padosi"

@ -115,7 +115,9 @@
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Geen zoekpanelen",
"loadMessage": "Zoekpanelen laden...",
"title": "%d filters actief"
"title": "%d filters actief",
"showMessage": "Alles weergeven",
"collapseMessage": "Instorten"
"select": {
"cells": {

@ -50,7 +50,14 @@
"_": "Mostrar %d registros"
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir"
"print": "Imprimir",
"createState": "Criar estado",
"removeAllStates": "Remover todos os estados",
"removeState": "Remover",
"renameState": "Renomear",
"savedStates": "Estados salvos",
"stateRestore": "Estado %d",
"updateState": "Atualizar"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Cancelar",
@ -97,7 +104,10 @@
"equals": "Igual",
"not": "Não",
"notEmpty": "Não Vazio",
"startsWith": "Começa Com"
"startsWith": "Começa Com",
"notContains": "Não contém",
"notStarts": "Não começa com",
"notEnds": "Não termina com"
"array": {
"contains": "Contém",
@ -130,7 +140,9 @@
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Nenhum Painel de Pesquisa",
"loadMessage": "Carregando Painéis de Pesquisa...",
"title": "Filtros Ativos"
"title": "Filtros Ativos",
"showMessage": "Mostrar todos",
"collapseMessage": "Fechar todos"
"thousands": ".",
"datetime": {
@ -199,5 +211,34 @@
"title": "Remover registro"
"decimal": ","
"decimal": ",",
"stateRestore": {
"creationModal": {
"button": "Criar",
"columns": {
"search": "Busca de colunas",
"visible": "Visibilidade da coluna"
"name": "Nome:",
"order": "Ordernar",
"paging": "Paginação",
"scroller": "Posição da barra de rolagem",
"search": "Busca",
"searchBuilder": "Mecanismo de busca",
"select": "Selecionar",
"title": "Criar novo estado",
"toggleLabel": "Inclui:"
"duplicateError": "Já existe um estado com esse nome",
"emptyError": "Não pode ser vazio",
"emptyStates": "Nenhum estado salvo",
"removeConfirm": "Confirma remover %s?",
"removeError": "Falha ao remover estado",
"removeJoiner": "e",
"removeSubmit": "Remover",
"removeTitle": "Remover estado",
"renameButton": "Renomear",
"renameLabel": "Novo nome para %s:",
"renameTitle": "Renomear estado"

@ -39,7 +39,14 @@
"pdf": "PDF",
"print": "Imprimir",
"copyKeys": "Pressionar CTRL ou u2318 + C para copiar a informação para a área de transferência. Para cancelar, clique nesta mensagem ou pressione ESC."
"copyKeys": "Pressionar CTRL ou u2318 + C para copiar a informação para a área de transferência. Para cancelar, clique nesta mensagem ou pressione ESC.",
"createState": "Criar",
"removeAllStates": "Remover Todos",
"removeState": "Remover",
"renameState": "Renomear",
"savedStates": "Gravados",
"stateRestore": "Estado %d",
"updateState": "Atualizar"
"decimal": ",",
"infoFiltered": "(filtrado num total de _MAX_ registos)",
@ -82,7 +89,10 @@
"equals": "Igual",
"not": "Diferente",
"notEmpty": "Não está vazio",
"startsWith": "Começa em"
"startsWith": "Começa em",
"notContains": "Não contém",
"notStarts": "Não começa com",
"notEnds": "Não termina com"
"array": {
"equals": "Igual",
@ -90,7 +100,7 @@
"contains": "Contém",
"not": "Diferente",
"notEmpty": "Não está vazio",
"without": "Não contém"
"without": "Sem"
"data": "Dados",
@ -115,7 +125,9 @@
"countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
"emptyPanes": "Sem painéis de pesquisa",
"loadMessage": "A carregar painéis de pesquisa",
"title": "Filtros ativos"
"title": "Filtros ativos",
"showMessage": "Mostrar todos",
"collapseMessage": "Ocultar Todos"
"select": {
"cells": {

@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
"sortDescending": "Sortează descendent"
"autoFill": {
"cancel": "Anulează"
"cancel": "Anulează",
"fill": "Completează",
"fillHorizontal": "Completeză celule orizonatl",
"fillVertical": "Completează celule vertical"
"buttons": {
"csv": "CSV",
@ -31,7 +34,8 @@
"collection": "Colecție",
"colvis": "Vizibilitate coloane",
"copy": "Copie",
"copyTitle": "Copie în Clipboard"
"copyTitle": "Copie în Clipboard",
"colvisRestore": "Resetare vizibilitate"
"searchBuilder": {
"add": "Adaugă",
@ -44,11 +48,22 @@
"editor": {
"close": "inchide",
"create": {
"button": "Nou"
"button": "Nou",
"title": "Crează o intrare nouă",
"submit": "Crează"
"edit": {
"button": "Editează",
"submit": "Editează"
"submit": "Editează",
"title": "Editează rând"
"remove": {
"button": "Șterge",
"title": "Șterge",
"submit": "Șterge"
"error": {
"system": "O eroare a apărut."
"loadingRecords": "Încarcă...",
@ -63,5 +78,9 @@
"decimal": ",",
"emptyTable": "Nu există date în tabel",
"searchPlaceholder": "Caută în tabel",
"thousands": "."

@ -140,6 +140,29 @@
"amPm": [
"months": {
"0": "Januari",
"1": "Februari",
"10": "November",
"11": "December",
"2": "Mars",
"3": "April",
"4": "Maj",
"5": "Juni",
"6": "Juli",
"7": "Augusti",
"8": "September",
"9": "Oktober"
"weekdays": [
"editor": {
