Added simple incremental bootsrap pagination

New type of pagination called simple/incremental pagination. It starts
as simplem pagination, shown only prev/next buttons. When user advances
trough the pages using next button, this pagination remembers the last
page that is reached and generates page numbers up to the last known
Jovan Popovic 8 years ago
parent f333eb31e1
commit d2358df483

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* This pagination style shows Previous/Next buttons, and page numbers only
* for "known" pages that are visited at least once time using [Next>] button.
* Initially only Prev/Next buttons are shown (Prev is initially disabled).
* [<Previous] [Next>]
* When user navigates through the pages using [Next>] button, navigation shows
* the numbers for the previous pages. As an example, when user reaches page 2,
* page numbers 1 and 2 are shown:
* [<Previous] 1 2 [Next>]
* When user reaches page 4, page numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are shown:
* [<Previous] 1 2 3 4 [Next>]
* When user navigates back, pagination will remember the last page number
* he reached and the numbesr up to the last known page are shown. As an example,
* when user returns to the page 2, page numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are still shown:
* [<Previous] 1 2 3 4 [Next>]
* This pagination style is designed for users who will not directly jump to
* the random page that they have not opened before. Assumption is that users
* will discover new pages using [Next>] button. This pagination enables users
* to easily go back and forth to any page that they discovered.
* Key benefit: This pagination supports usual pagination pattern and does not
* require server to return total count of items just to calculate last page and
* all numbers. This migh be huge performance benefit because server does not
* need to execute two queries in server-side processing mode:
* - One to get the records that will be shown on the current page,
* - Second to get the total count just to calculate full pagination.
* Without second query, page load time might be 2x faster, especially in cases
* when server can quickly get top 100 records, but it would need to scan entire
* database table just to calculate the total count and position of the last
* page. This pagination style is reasonable trade-off between simple and fullnumbers
* pagination.
* @name Simple Incremental navigation (Bootstrap)
* @summary Shows forward/back buttons and all known page numbers.
* @author [Jovan Popovic](
* @example
* $(document).ready(function() {
* $('#example').dataTable( {
* "pagingType": "simple_incremental_bootstrap"
* } );
* } );
$.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination.simple_incremental_bootstrap = {
"fnInit": function (oSettings, nPaging, fnCallbackDraw) {
$(nPaging).prepend($("<ul class=\"pagination\"></ul>"));
var ul = $("ul", $(nPaging));
nFirst = document.createElement('li');
nPrevious = document.createElement('li');
nNext = document.createElement('li');
$(nPrevious).append($('<span>' + (oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious) + '</span>'));
$(nNext).append($('<span>' + (oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext) + '</span>'));
nFirst.className = "paginate_button first active";
nPrevious.className = "paginate_button previous";
nNext.className = "paginate_button next";
$(nFirst).click(function () {
oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, "first");
$(nPrevious).click(function () {
if (!(oSettings._iDisplayStart === 0)) {
oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, "previous");
$(nNext).click(function () {
if (!(oSettings.fnDisplayEnd() == oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()
oSettings.aiDisplay.length < oSettings._iDisplayLength)) {
oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, "next");
/* Disallow text selection */
$(nFirst).bind('selectstart', function () { return false; });
$(nPrevious).bind('selectstart', function () { return false; });
$(nNext).bind('selectstart', function () { return false; });
// Reset dynamically generated pages on length/filter change.
$(oSettings.nTable).DataTable().on('length.dt', function (e, settings, len) {
$("li.dynamic_page_item", nPaging).remove();
$(oSettings.nTable).DataTable().on('search.dt', function (e, settings, len) {
$("li.dynamic_page_item", nPaging).remove();
* Function: oPagination.simple_incremental_bootstrap.fnUpdate
* Purpose: Update the list of page buttons shows
* Inputs: object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
* function:fnCallbackDraw - draw function which must be called on update
"fnUpdate": function (oSettings, fnCallbackDraw) {
if (!oSettings.aanFeatures.p) {
/* Loop over each instance of the pager */
var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
for (var i = 0, iLen = an.length ; i < iLen ; i++) {
var buttons = an[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
if (oSettings._iDisplayStart === 0) {
buttons[0].className = "paginate_buttons disabled previous";
buttons[buttons.length - 1].className = "paginate_button enabled next";
} else {
buttons[0].className = "paginate_buttons enabled previous";
var page = Math.round(oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength) + 1;
if (page == buttons.length-1 && oSettings.aiDisplay.length > 0) {
$new = $('<li class="dynamic_page_item active"><span>' + page + "</span></li>");
$(buttons[buttons.length - 1]).before($new);
$ () {
} else
if (oSettings.fnDisplayEnd() == oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()
oSettings.aiDisplay.length < oSettings._iDisplayLength) {
buttons[buttons.length - 1].className = "paginate_button disabled next";